In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:

class baseModule

Derived module class representing a fixed or mobile robot base


Public Fields

[more]matrix* J
[more]double cost
relative cost of movement, currently disabled
[more]int numSupportPts
number of points in support polygon.
[more]bodyPoint* supportPts
vertices of support polygon.
[more]bodyPoint stablePt
a point that should always be inside the base's support polygon
[more]baseMotionType baseType
the type of motion (none, planar, or spatial) performed by the base

Public Methods

[more] baseModule(const baseModule &other)
[more] ~baseModule(void)
[more] new methods for baseModule
[more] Jacobian-related routines

Public Members

[more]typedef enum Indicates the type of motion for the base's root link.

Inherited from dofModule:

Public Fields

optrList joints

Public Methods

ovirtual double maxVel(joint* jt, int dof) const
ovirtual double maxTorque(joint* jt, int dof, int isBraking) const
ovirtual double contTorque(joint* jt, int dof) const
ovirtual double power(joint* jt, int dof) const
ovirtual int isPassive(joint* jt, int dof) const
oinline int numJoints(void) const
oinline joint* getJoint(int i)

Inherited from module:

Public Fields

ostatic int currentID
ostatic const tmatrix connectionRotation
oconfiguration* cfg
oint ref
ochar* name
obool isPrototype
ohandedness whichSide
omodule* parent
oassembly* as
optrList* params
optrList* attachments
ocptrList* components
oconst componentContext* context

Public Methods

Virtual methods.

convenience functions

oinline const ptrList* getDependencies(int whichParam)

Public Members

oenum subType
oenum handedness

Protected Methods

ovoid assignConnectorIDs(void)

Inherited from synObject:

Public Fields

ostatic int staticClassID
oint objectID
oint verboseLevel

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* className(void) const
ovirtual synObject* copy(void) const
ovirtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
ostatic int setStaticClassID(void)
ovirtual int classID(void) const


Derived module class representing a fixed or mobile robot base
otypedef enum Indicates the type of motion for the base's root link.
Indicates the type of motion for the base's root link. These meanings are identical to those of the mechanism::baseMotionType enum.


omatrix* J

odouble cost
relative cost of movement, currently disabled

oint numSupportPts
number of points in support polygon. Used for computing stability

obodyPoint* supportPts
vertices of support polygon. Used for computing stability

obodyPoint stablePt
a point that should always be inside the base's support polygon

obaseMotionType baseType
the type of motion (none, planar, or spatial) performed by the base

o baseModule(const baseModule &other)

o ~baseModule(void)

o new methods for baseModule

ovirtual link* getDesiredRootLink(void)
returns a pointer to the link that should be used as the mechaism root

ovirtual int isHolonomic(void) const
returns 1 if the base's motion is holonomic, 0 otherwise. This is only used by the motionPlanner class.

o Class-specific motion planning methods.
These methods are not currently used, as the motion planner code has not been touched in (literally) years and is probably not in working order

o Jacobian-related routines

ovoid allocateJacobian(void)
allocates a jacobian matrix for the base

ovirtual int computeLimitGradient(vector &v, int offset = 0)
computes a gradient vector used for joint-limit avoidance

ovirtual int computeJacobian(matrix &J, link* endLink, const triple &worldPt, int includeRotations = 1)
computes a jacobian matrix for the base.

Direct child classes:

Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java

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