In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/componentDB.h:

class component

abstract base class for discrete components


Public Fields

[more]int index
index in global list of components
[more]char name[COMPONENT_NAME_LEN]
the name of the specific component
[more]ptrList* dependencies
dependencies on other components
[more]symbolTableEntry* dependencyRefs
references to the names of components on which this component depends

Public Methods

[more] component(const component &other)
copy constructor
[more]component& operator=(const component &other)
assignment operator
[more] ~component(void)
[more]virtual int readValues(symbolTableEntry* valueList) = 0
reads values from a symbol table
[more]int hasDependencies(void) const
indicates whether the component has dependencies on other components
[more]int readValue(double &val, const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
reads a floating point value from a list of symbols
[more]int readValue(int &val, const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
reads an integer value from a list of symbols
[more]int readValue(char val[COMPONENT_STR_LEN], const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
reads a string value from a list of symbols
[more]void checkAndFreeSymbols(symbolTableEntry* entry)
checks for unused symbols in a list of symbols and frees them

Inherited from synObject:

Public Fields

ostatic int staticClassID
oint objectID
oint verboseLevel

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* className(void) const
ovirtual synObject* copy(void) const
ovirtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
ostatic int setStaticClassID(void)
ovirtual int classID(void) const


abstract base class for discrete components
oint index
index in global list of components

the name of the specific component

optrList* dependencies
dependencies on other components

osymbolTableEntry* dependencyRefs
references to the names of components on which this component depends

o component(const component &other)
copy constructor

ocomponent& operator=(const component &other)
assignment operator

o ~component(void)

ovirtual int readValues(symbolTableEntry* valueList) = 0
reads values from a symbol table

oint hasDependencies(void) const
indicates whether the component has dependencies on other components

oint readValue(double &val, const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
reads a floating point value from a list of symbols

oint readValue(int &val, const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
reads an integer value from a list of symbols

oint readValue(char val[COMPONENT_STR_LEN], const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
reads a string value from a list of symbols

ovoid checkAndFreeSymbols(symbolTableEntry* entry)
checks for unused symbols in a list of symbols and frees them

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