In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoInfluence.h:

class dynoInfluence

An abstract base class for objects that apply forces/torques to mechanisms at each simulation time step, eg.


Public Methods

[more]virtual int apply(void) = 0
applies forces/torques to mechanism(s); should be supplied by subclasses

Inherited from dynoObject:

Public Fields

odynamicSystem* ds
oint active
oint stateSize

Public Methods

oinline virtual int getState(double* state)
oinline virtual int setState(const double* state)
oinline virtual int reset(void)

Inherited from synObject:

Public Fields

ostatic int staticClassID
oint objectID
oint verboseLevel

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* className(void) const
ovirtual synObject* copy(void) const
ovirtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
ostatic int setStaticClassID(void)
ovirtual int classID(void) const


An abstract base class for objects that apply forces/torques to mechanisms at each simulation time step, eg. a spring or gravity field. Influences can apply their forces through link::applyForce(), by adding or subtracting to mech->T, or by directly modifying link::Fext and link::Next. dynoInfluence::update is a virtual function that should be supplied by derived classes, and is called by dynamicSystem::computeAccelerationFromTorque each time step, after the force accumulators (i.e. mech->T and link::Fext/Next) have been zeroed.

A dynamicSystem must be supplied to the constructor, and the influence will be automatically deleted by the dynamicSystem when the dynamicSystem is deleted. To enforce this, the destructor is a protected method, so influences cannot be created except by the new operator.

ovirtual int apply(void) = 0
applies forces/torques to mechanism(s); should be supplied by subclasses

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