In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoCollision.h:

class dynoWheelInfo

Stores wheel geometry information used when creating rolling contacts.

Public Fields

[more]link* l
the link
[more]tmatrix wheelCoords
wheel-to-link coordinate transformation
[more]double width
width of the wheel, for cylindrical wheels
[more]double radius
radius of the wheel
[more]triple center
the world coordiantes of the origin of the wheel
[more]triple omega
angular velocity due to the wheel's rotation about its axis.
[more]tmatrix worldToWheel
converts world coordinates to wheel coordinates.
[more]tmatrix wheelToWorld
converts wheel coordinates to world coordinates.

Public Methods

[more] dynoWheelInfo(void)
[more] dynoWheelInfo(link* L, const tmatrix &WheelCoords, double Width, double Radius)
[more]void update(void)
updates worldToWheel, wheelToWorld, center, and omega


Stores wheel geometry information used when creating rolling contacts.
olink* l
the link

otmatrix wheelCoords
wheel-to-link coordinate transformation

odouble width
width of the wheel, for cylindrical wheels

odouble radius
radius of the wheel

otriple center
the world coordiantes of the origin of the wheel

otriple omega
angular velocity due to the wheel's rotation about its axis. omega is in world coordinates and is computed by update()

otmatrix worldToWheel
converts world coordinates to wheel coordinates. Computed by update()

otmatrix wheelToWorld
converts wheel coordinates to world coordinates. Computed by update()

o dynoWheelInfo(void)

o dynoWheelInfo(link* L, const tmatrix &WheelCoords, double Width, double Radius)

ovoid update(void)
updates worldToWheel, wheelToWorld, center, and omega

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