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Simulation and Automated Synthesis for Robotics
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Latest news: 2/4/2002 Darwin2K 0.90 has been released. Darwin2K (like dyno) now supports multiple robots, and there have been a number of other changes/additions as well.

Darwin2K is a free, open source dynamic simulation and automated design synthesis package for robotics. To get an idea of what Darwin2K can do; take a look at the movies below. Darwin2K's simulation capabilities are tailored to support engineering design and controller prototyping for robotic application; for example, detailed motor and gearhead performance models are included, as is the capability to estimate stresses in structural elements during simulation.

Darwin2K is not just a low-level dynamic simulation package: it also includes a number of controllers, robot modules, and other components that are useful in a wide range of robot design and programming applications. Additionally, the system includes a distributed evolutionary algorithm for automated synthesis and optimization; this was the focus of my graduate research with Darwin2K at CMU's Robotics Institute. See this page for publications related to Darwin2K if you're interested in using Darwin2K for automated design.

d2k image

Illustration by Jason Bannister

Simulator screen shots




What is Darwin2K?

Darwin2K is a free, open-source toolkit for robot simulation and automated design. It features numerous simulation capabilities and an evolutionary algorithm capable of automatically synthesizing and optimizing robot designs to meet task-specific performance objectives.

Simulation capabilities

Automated synthesis

System requirements

The system has been tested under Irix 6.x and Linux; a Solaris port is forthcoming. Darwin2K requires several other packages: