Table of Contents
General stuff
- Darwin2K Darwin2K: A toolkit for robot simulation and synthesis.
- Math classes mathClasses.h - Classes and routines for matrices, vectors, quaternions, and the like.
- Modules modules.h: Header file for core Darwin2K module classes.
- Quick Tour
- Terrain classes terrain.h - classes for terrain objects
- componentDB.h Class definitions for components and the componentDB
- configuration.h Class declarations for modules, configurations, and related classes.
- ddglobals.h Miscellaneous globals shared between dyno and darwin2k.
- dyno.h Core classes for the dyno library.
- dynoAux.h Miscellaneous utility functions for dyno.
- dynoCollision.h Header file for classes relating to contact and collision detection
- dynoConstraint.h Class definitions for dynamic constraints.
- dynoGeometry.h Convenience functions for creating link geometry.
- dynoInfluence.h Header file for influence and dynoLimiter classes.
- dynoSolver.h Class definition for the dynoSolver class.
- dynoSvals.h s-val classes and operators
- dynoUser.h Header file for dyno core libraries.
- images.h Functions for reading and writing images
- linkForce.h Functions and classes for computing link deformations and stressess
- path.h Trajectory classes
- synMacros.h Macros for runtime synObject typing.
- synObject.h Header file for the synObject core class
- systemIncs.h System-specific headers, and useful constants and macros
- cfgComponent cfgComponent - runtime objects that are created by d2kComponents or modules.
- cfgLabelRecord A class used by d2kComponent to associate configurations with configuration arguments
- controller controller - abstract base class for robot controllers.
- cptrList cptrList - similar to ptrList, but for const void *'s
- d2kComponent base class for modular simulation components.
- d2kSimulator base class for robot simulation and evaluation.
- evaluator base class for robot simulation and evaluation.
- ffController an SRI-based controller for robots with free-flying, unactuated bases.
- jointController A controller allowing different control modes for each joint.
- objHash hash table for associating data with synObjects
- objHashRec container class for use by objHash
- paramEnv Environment containing parameter values.
- paramParser parser for C-like parameter files, or 'p-files'.
- pathEvaluator evaluator for tasks consisting of a series of cartesian-space end-effector trajectories.
- payload A class for single-rigid-body payloads.
- pidController a controller for doing joint-space PID control.
- ptrHash a generic hash table class
- ptrList generic extensible list class.
- roverController A controller for wheeled rovers.
- roverEvaluator Class for evaluating rover performance on a variety of terrain test cases.
- singleJointController a controller for a single joint.
- sriController a robot controller that uses the singularity robust inverse (SRI) of the jacobian to follow cartesian-space trajectories.
- taskParamRecord a record for storing task parameters.
- readMPolyList reads a list of mpoly from the indicated file pointer.
Enums, Unions, Structs
Hierarchy of classes
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