Outline of Darwin2K capabilities
- Kinematic simulation
- Dynamic simulation
- Forward (torques given motion) and inverse (motion given torques) dynamics
- Reduced-coordinate dynamic formulation for open kinematic chains and trees
- Bilateral constraints for closed kinematic chains
- Unilateral constraints for simulation of joint limits and frictional and frictionless contact
- Modular simulator architecture allows simulation components to be activated and configured at runtime.
- Collision detection
- Estimation of link deflection
- Several robot control algorithms, including PID joint control, Jacobian (Singularity-Robust Inverse) control, and SRI with dynamics for free-flying manipulators
- Robots can be built at runtime from parameterized modules, and new module types can be added.
- Modules can use components from a database that includes motors and gearheads from Maxon, and harmonic drives from HD Systems
- OpenGL and OpenInventor display drivers
Automated synthesis
- Distributed evoluationary algorithm can synthesize and optimize robot kinematics (topology and dimensions), dynamics, components, and controller parameters with respect to multiple user-selected performance metrics
- Robot performance is assessed through simulation
- Scope of synthesizer can be restricted by partially specifying robot parameters and/or topology
- Allows coarse-to-fine synthesis
- Easily incorporate a-priori knowledge in designs
- Simple interface for specifying multiple metrics and criteria
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes