In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoCollision.h:Stores wheel geometry information used when creating rolling contacts.
Public Fields
link* l
- the link
tmatrix wheelCoords
- wheel-to-link coordinate transformation
double width
- width of the wheel, for cylindrical wheels
double radius
- radius of the wheel
triple center
- the world coordiantes of the origin of the wheel
triple omega
- angular velocity due to the wheel's rotation about its axis.
tmatrix worldToWheel
- converts world coordinates to wheel coordinates.
tmatrix wheelToWorld
- converts wheel coordinates to world coordinates.
Public Methods
- constructor
dynoWheelInfo(link* L, const tmatrix &WheelCoords, double Width, double Radius)
- constructor
void update(void)
- updates worldToWheel, wheelToWorld, center, and omega
Stores wheel geometry information used when creating rolling contacts.
- wheel coordinates are defined with the origin at the
center of the wheel's disc, along the 'inner' edge of
the wheel, with z axis aligned w/ rotation axis and pointing
towards the outer edge
- worldToWheel and wheelToWorld convert between world and
wheel coordinates. they are computed by computeWheelTransforms()
link* l
- the link
tmatrix wheelCoords
- wheel-to-link coordinate transformation
double width
- width of the wheel, for cylindrical wheels
double radius
- radius of the wheel
triple center
- the world coordiantes of the origin of the wheel
triple omega
- angular velocity due to the wheel's rotation about its axis.
omega is in world coordinates and is computed by update()
tmatrix worldToWheel
- converts world coordinates to wheel coordinates. Computed by update()
tmatrix wheelToWorld
- converts wheel coordinates to world coordinates. Computed by update()
- constructor
dynoWheelInfo(link* L, const tmatrix &WheelCoords, double Width, double Radius)
- constructor
void update(void)
- updates worldToWheel, wheelToWorld, center, and omega
- This class has no child classes.
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