Darwin2k modules for links (internal robot parts with no degrees of freedom)
virtualLink - A link with no geometry, allowing multiple references to subgraphs that can be varied by the synthesizer.
virtualTee - A link with no geometry, but with 3 connectors to form a T-junction.
virtualElbow - A link with no geometry, but with 2 connectors at an angle.
genericLink - A link that reads its geometry from a file.
squarePrism - Not yet finished
elbowLink - Not yet finished
counterWeight - Not yet finished
hollowTube - A hollow link with cylindrical cross-section.
angledHollowTube - A hollow link with cylindrical cross-section, and with variable connector orientations.
elbowLink2 - A module representing a link with a 90 degree bend.
rockerTube - A tube with three connectors, useful for rover suspensions.
Darwin2k modules for links (internal robot parts with no degrees of freedom)
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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