Miscellaneous non-member functions for math classes.
choleskySolve - Solves A*x = b for x, where A is a symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix and x and b are vectors.
choleskyInverse - computes the inverse of A and stores it in Ainv, if A is symmetric positive definite (SPD).
getVectorFromTmatrix - returns the first 3 elements of the i'th column of m
composeTmatrix - composes a tmatrix m from three basis vectors and a translation
composeTmatrix - composes a tmatrix m with the given rotation and translation
composeTmatrix - composes a tmatrix m with the given rotation and translation
decomposeTmatrix - decomposes a tmatrix into a quaternion and translation vector
getColumnFromJacobian - gets the linear and angular differential vectors from the indicated column of the jacobian matrix J
putColumnIntoJacobian - puts the linear and angular differential vectors into the indicated column of the jacobian matrix J
putColumnIntoJacobian - puts the linear differential velocities into the indicated column of the jacobian matrix J
clearBlockInJacobian - clears an nr x nc block in J starting at (row, col)
putBlockIntoJacobian - copies a submatrix into J starting at (row, col) in J
computeOmega - computes the angular velocity that causes a rotation from q0 to q1 over a time dt
makeProjectionMatrixFromTriple - creates a 3x3 projection matrix that removes components along v
outerProduct - computes the outer product (ie.
isNan - returns 1 if x is not a number, 0 otherwise
isNan - returns 1 if none of x's components are NaNs, 0 otherwise
resizeMatrix - checks to see if matrix needs to be resized; if so, does it
resizeVector - checks to see if vector needs to be resized; if so, does it
printVector - prints a vector with the indicated number of digits after the decimal
printMatrix - prints a matrix with the indicated number of digits after the decimal
printTriple - prints a triple with the indicated number of digits after the decimal
printQuaternion - prints a quaternion with the indicated number of digits after the decimal
PRINT_VECTOR - prints a vector and its name
PRINT_MATRIX - prints a matrix and its name
PRINT_TRIPLE - prints a triple and its name
PRINT_QUATERNION - prints a quaternion and its name
VPRINT_VECTOR - prints a vector and its name with the indicated number of digits
VPRINT_MATRIX - prints a matrix and its name with the indicated number of digits
VPRINT_TRIPLE - prints a triple and its name with the indicated number of digits
VPRINT_QUATERNION - prints a quaternion and its name with the indicated number of digits
LPRINT_VECTOR - prints a vector and its name with excessive significant digits
LPRINT_MATRIX - prints a matrix and its name with excessive significant digits
LPRINT_TRIPLE - prints a triple and its name with excessive significant digits
LPRINT_QUATERNION - prints a quaternion and its name with excessive significant digits
PRINT_TMATRIX - prints a tmatrix and its name
Miscellaneous non-member functions for math classes.
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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