The definitions for levels of program output.
The definitions for levels of program output. Aside from SO_ERRORS and SO_WARNINGS, these are mainly just conventions; However, in general the higher you go, the more output you'll see. Functions in dyno will *always* print messages when errors are detected, regardless of the verbose level.
- SO_NONE = -1; - print nothing
- SO_ERRORS = 0; - only print errors
- SO_WARNINGS = 1; - errors, warnings
- SO_INFO = 2; - errors, warnings, occasional useful data
- SO_DEBUG = 3; - full output; lots of data spewed (every sim step)
- SO_ULTRASPEW = 4; - hope you have lots of free disk space
- SO_SUPER_ULTRA_MEGA_TURBO_SPEW = 5; - just don't even go there
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