Header file for SVD, LUD, and support functions
setMinSV - Sets the minimum singular value that should considered OK
doSVD - Solves the system Ax = b using SVD
pseudoInverse - Stores the pseudoinverse of 'A' in 'inv'.
findNullspace - Stores the basis vectors of the Nullspace of A into NS, resizing NS as necessary
doLUD - Solves the system Ax = b using an LU decomposition
freeSVDList - Frees matrices used during multiple calls to doSVD, which tries to recycle matrices to reduce memory fragmentation
freeLUDList - Frees matrices used during multiple calls to doLUD, which tries to recycle matrices to reduce memory fragmentation
Header file for SVD, LUD, and support functions
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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