In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:Specifies attachments between two connectors from different modules.
Public Fields
int moduleRef
- this module (the parent)'s ref
int connectorID
- index of the connector on this module (the parent)
int otherModuleRef
- index of other (child) module (-1 if nil)
int otherConnectorID
- index of the connector on the other (child) module
param twist
- twist (in degrees) about the z axis of the connection
constEnum constFlag
- indicates whether the connection may be modified by the synthesizer
module::handedness whichSide
- left or right instantiation?
Public Methods
const attachment& att2 return(att1 == att2)
Specifies attachments between two connectors from different modules.
attachments belong to a parent module and specify connections to
the child modules of the parent. Each attachment has a const-flag
indicating whether it may be changed by the synthesizer, and a twist
parameter specifying the twist angle (in degrees) about the connection
axis. When connecting two modules through an attachment, the child
module's connector is rotated by 180 degrees about its y axis, and then
the child module is oriented so that the two connectors are coincident.
int moduleRef
- this module (the parent)'s ref
int connectorID
- index of the connector on this module (the parent)
int otherModuleRef
- index of other (child) module (-1 if nil)
int otherConnectorID
- index of the connector on the other (child) module
param twist
- twist (in degrees) about the z axis of the connection
constEnum constFlag
- indicates whether the connection may be modified by the synthesizer
module::handedness whichSide
- left or right instantiation?
const attachment& att2 return(att1 == att2)
- This class has no child classes.
- Friends:
- int operator==(const attachment &att1, const attachment &att2)
int operator!=(const attachment &att1,
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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