In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:param - represents properties of a module or configuration
Public Fields
constEnum constFlag
- indicates whether the parameter can be changed
unsigned long bits
- the number of bits used to represent the value
double min
- the minimum floating-point value represented by the parameter; corresponds to an ival of 0
double max
- the minimum floating-point value represented by the parameter; corresponds to an ival of 2^(bits)-1
unsigned long ival
- the integer / bitstring representation of the parameter value
double val
- the floating-point representation of the parameter value
char* componentName
- an optional text-version of parameter for component selection
Public Methods
void randomize(void)
- selects a random ival
int computeIval(void)
- computes the ival corresponding to the current value of val
double computeVal(void)
- computes the val corresponding to the current value of ival
return(p1 == p2)
param - represents properties of a module or configuration
constEnum constFlag
- indicates whether the parameter can be changed
unsigned long bits
- the number of bits used to represent the value
double min
- the minimum floating-point value represented by the parameter;
corresponds to an ival of 0
double max
- the minimum floating-point value represented by the parameter;
corresponds to an ival of 2^(bits)-1
unsigned long ival
- the integer / bitstring representation of the parameter value
double val
- the floating-point representation of the parameter value
char* componentName
- an optional text-version of parameter for component selection
void randomize(void)
- selects a random ival
int computeIval(void)
- computes the ival corresponding to the current value of val
double computeVal(void)
- computes the val corresponding to the current value of ival
return(p1 == p2)
- This class has no child classes.
- Friends:
- int operator==(const param &p1, const param &p2)
int operator!=(const param &p1, const param &p2) {
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