In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:

class blockRec

blockRec - tracks where a serialChain's Jacobian & joint vars fit into the cfg's Jacobian and joint vector

Public Fields

[more]serialChain* c
the serial chain (or base, if NULL) associated with the block
[more]int startCol
the starting column of the block
[more]int width
the width of the block, which equals the number of DOFs in the base/chain


blockRec - tracks where a serialChain's Jacobian & joint vars fit into the cfg's Jacobian and joint vector
oserialChain* c
the serial chain (or base, if NULL) associated with the block

oint startCol
the starting column of the block

oint width
the width of the block, which equals the number of DOFs in the base/chain

This class has no child classes.

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