In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:blockRec - tracks where a serialChain's Jacobian & joint vars fit into the cfg's Jacobian and joint vector
Public Fields
serialChain* c
- the serial chain (or base, if NULL) associated with the block
int startCol
- the starting column of the block
int width
- the width of the block, which equals the number of DOFs in the base/chain
blockRec - tracks where a serialChain's Jacobian & joint vars
fit into the cfg's Jacobian and joint vector
serialChain* c
- the serial chain (or base, if NULL) associated with the block
int startCol
- the starting column of the block
int width
- the width of the block, which equals the number of DOFs in the base/chain
- This class has no child classes.
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