In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:

class serialChain

A series of links connected by joints

Public Fields

[more]configuration* cfg
the configuration to which the chain belongs
[more]ptrList* links
a list of the serial chain's links
[more]ptrList* joints
a list of the joints that connect the chain's links
[more]ptrList* children
a list of the child serial chains that branch from the end of this one
[more]ptrList* endPoints
a list of the end effectors attached to the chain's links
[more]serialChain* parent
the parent chain, if any
[more]int index
the index of the serial chain in the configuration's list of chains
[more]int offset
the offset of the serial chain's variables in the configuration's pos and vel vectors
[more]int numDOFs
the number of DOFs in the serial chain
[more]vector cost
the cost associated with moving each DOF in the chain

Public Methods

[more] serialChain(configuration* cfg)
[more] ~serialChain(void)
[more]void computeTorques(void)
computes the torque required to cause a chain's motion
[more]void computeLimitGradient(vector &v, int offset = 0)
computes a gradient vector used for joint-limit avoidance
[more]int computeJacobian(matrix &Jp, link* endLink, const triple &worldPt, int startRow, int includeRotations = 1)
computes the jacobian matrix for the specified endpoint
[more]void computeCG(double &m, triple &cg) const
computes the mass and center of gravity of the chain
[more]double computeMass(void) const
computes the mass of the chain
[more]void setChainLock(int val, int recurse = 1)
locks or unlocks all joints in the serial chain, and parent chains if recurse is set
[more]int setJointLock(int whichJoint, int val)
locks or unlocks all DOFs of the indicated joint
[more]inline double& pos(int i)
accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
[more]inline double& vel(int i)
accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
[more]inline double& acc(int i)
accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
[more]void computeTorque(const triple &baseAcceleration, const triple &baseOmega, const triple &baseOmegaDot)
computes the joint torques required to cause the acceleration specified in the mechanism's acceleration vector
[more] convenience functions


A series of links connected by joints
oconfiguration* cfg
the configuration to which the chain belongs

optrList* links
a list of the serial chain's links

optrList* joints
a list of the joints that connect the chain's links

optrList* children
a list of the child serial chains that branch from the end of this one

optrList* endPoints
a list of the end effectors attached to the chain's links

oserialChain* parent
the parent chain, if any

oint index
the index of the serial chain in the configuration's list of chains

oint offset
the offset of the serial chain's variables in the configuration's pos and vel vectors

oint numDOFs
the number of DOFs in the serial chain

ovector cost
the cost associated with moving each DOF in the chain

o serialChain(configuration* cfg)

o ~serialChain(void)

ovoid computeTorques(void)
computes the torque required to cause a chain's motion

ovoid computeLimitGradient(vector &v, int offset = 0)
computes a gradient vector used for joint-limit avoidance

oint computeJacobian(matrix &Jp, link* endLink, const triple &worldPt, int startRow, int includeRotations = 1)
computes the jacobian matrix for the specified endpoint

ovoid computeCG(double &m, triple &cg) const
computes the mass and center of gravity of the chain

odouble computeMass(void) const
computes the mass of the chain

ovoid setChainLock(int val, int recurse = 1)
locks or unlocks all joints in the serial chain, and parent chains if recurse is set

oint setJointLock(int whichJoint, int val)
locks or unlocks all DOFs of the indicated joint

oinline double& pos(int i)
accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos

oinline double& vel(int i)
accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos

oinline double& acc(int i)
accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos

ovoid computeTorque(const triple &baseAcceleration, const triple &baseOmega, const triple &baseOmegaDot)
computes the joint torques required to cause the acceleration specified in the mechanism's acceleration vector

o convenience functions

oinline int numLinks(void) const
returns the number of links in the serial chain

oinline int numJoints(void) const
returns the number of joints in the serial chain

oinline int numChildren(void) const
returns the number of child chains

oinline link* getLink(int i)
returns the i'th link

oinline joint* getJoint(int i)
returns the i'th joint

oinline serialChain* getChild(int i)
returns the i'th child

oinline endPointRec* getEndPoint(int i)
returns the i'th endpoint record

oinline int ix(int i) const
returns the index of the i'th DOF in the configuration state vectors

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