In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:A series of links connected by joints
Public Fields
configuration* cfg
- the configuration to which the chain belongs
ptrList* links
- a list of the serial chain's links
ptrList* joints
- a list of the joints that connect the chain's links
ptrList* children
- a list of the child serial chains that branch from the end of this one
ptrList* endPoints
- a list of the end effectors attached to the chain's links
serialChain* parent
- the parent chain, if any
int index
- the index of the serial chain in the configuration's list of chains
int offset
- the offset of the serial chain's variables in the configuration's pos and vel vectors
int numDOFs
- the number of DOFs in the serial chain
vector cost
- the cost associated with moving each DOF in the chain
Public Methods
serialChain(configuration* cfg)
- constructor
- destructor
void computeTorques(void)
- computes the torque required to cause a chain's motion
void computeLimitGradient(vector &v, int offset = 0)
- computes a gradient vector used for joint-limit avoidance
int computeJacobian(matrix &Jp, link* endLink, const triple &worldPt, int startRow, int includeRotations = 1)
- computes the jacobian matrix for the specified endpoint
void computeCG(double &m, triple &cg) const
- computes the mass and center of gravity of the chain
double computeMass(void) const
- computes the mass of the chain
void setChainLock(int val, int recurse = 1)
- locks or unlocks all joints in the serial chain, and parent chains if recurse is set
int setJointLock(int whichJoint, int val)
- locks or unlocks all DOFs of the indicated joint
inline double& pos(int i)
- accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
inline double& vel(int i)
- accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
inline double& acc(int i)
- accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
void computeTorque(const triple &baseAcceleration, const triple &baseOmega, const triple &baseOmegaDot)
- computes the joint torques required to cause the acceleration specified in the mechanism's acceleration vector
convenience functions
A series of links connected by joints
configuration* cfg
- the configuration to which the chain belongs
ptrList* links
- a list of the serial chain's links
ptrList* joints
- a list of the joints that connect the chain's links
ptrList* children
- a list of the child serial chains that branch from the end of this one
ptrList* endPoints
- a list of the end effectors attached to the chain's links
serialChain* parent
- the parent chain, if any
int index
- the index of the serial chain in the configuration's list of chains
int offset
- the offset of the serial chain's variables in the configuration's
pos and vel vectors
int numDOFs
- the number of DOFs in the serial chain
vector cost
- the cost associated with moving each DOF in the chain
serialChain(configuration* cfg)
- constructor
- destructor
void computeTorques(void)
- computes the torque required to cause a chain's motion
void computeLimitGradient(vector &v, int offset = 0)
- computes a gradient vector used for joint-limit avoidance
int computeJacobian(matrix &Jp, link* endLink, const triple &worldPt, int startRow, int includeRotations = 1)
- computes the jacobian matrix for the specified endpoint
void computeCG(double &m, triple &cg) const
- computes the mass and center of gravity of the chain
double computeMass(void) const
- computes the mass of the chain
void setChainLock(int val, int recurse = 1)
- locks or unlocks all joints in the serial chain, and parent chains
if recurse is set
int setJointLock(int whichJoint, int val)
- locks or unlocks all DOFs of the indicated joint
inline double& pos(int i)
- accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
inline double& vel(int i)
- accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
inline double& acc(int i)
- accesses the i'th entry for the chain in cfg->pos
void computeTorque(const triple &baseAcceleration, const triple &baseOmega, const triple &baseOmegaDot)
- computes the joint torques required to cause the acceleration
specified in the mechanism's acceleration vector
convenience functions
inline int numLinks(void) const
- returns the number of links in the serial chain
inline int numJoints(void) const
- returns the number of joints in the serial chain
inline int numChildren(void) const
- returns the number of child chains
inline link* getLink(int i)
- returns the i'th link
inline joint* getJoint(int i)
- returns the i'th joint
inline serialChain* getChild(int i)
- returns the i'th child
inline endPointRec* getEndPoint(int i)
- returns the i'th endpoint record
inline int ix(int i) const
- returns the index of the i'th DOF in the configuration state vectors
- This class has no child classes.
- Friends:
- configuration
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