In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoCollision.h:a pair of objects that should be checked for collisions
Public Fields
cdObject* o1
- the first object in the pair
cdObject* o2
- the second object in the pair
int flags
- types of collisions/contacts to be detected; @see dynoCollisionOperation
Public Methods
cdPair(cdObject* O1, cdObject* O2, int Flags)
- constructor
a pair of objects that should be checked for collisions
cdObject* o1
- the first object in the pair
cdObject* o2
- the second object in the pair
int flags
- types of collisions/contacts to be detected; @see dynoCollisionOperation
cdPair(cdObject* O1, cdObject* O2, int Flags)
- constructor
- This class has no child classes.
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