In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoCollision.h:

class cdObject

a base type for objects used in collision detection


Public Fields

[more]int index
the index of the object in the dynoCollisionDetector's list of objects
[more]int fixed
indicates whether the object is fixed, or if it can move
[more]ptrList* ignoreList
the list of objects that will be ignored during collision detection
[more]ptrList* iTris
a list of iTris used for computing polyhedron intersections
[more]int active
indicates whether the object should be checked for collisions.
[more]const char* name
the name of the object.
[more]void* userData
user-defined data for the object

Public Methods

[more]virtual ~cdObject(void)
[more]virtual void cleanup(void)
performs class-specific cleanup
[more]void deleteITris(void)
deletes any iTris assocated with the object
[more]virtual void getPose(double r[3][3], double t[3])
gets the current pose of the object
[more]virtual void getPose(matrix &r, triple &t)
gets the current pose of the object
[more]inline void addIgnoredObject(cdObject* o)
adds 'o' to the list of objects that will be ignored by this object when checking for collisions
[more]void processLinkGeometry(link* l, ptrList* whichParts, int createITris)
processes l's geometry.

Inherited from synObject:

Public Fields

ostatic int staticClassID
oint objectID
oint verboseLevel

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* className(void) const
ovirtual synObject* copy(void) const
ovirtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
ostatic int setStaticClassID(void)
ovirtual int classID(void) const


a base type for objects used in collision detection
oint index
the index of the object in the dynoCollisionDetector's list of objects

oint fixed
indicates whether the object is fixed, or if it can move

optrList* ignoreList
the list of objects that will be ignored during collision detection

optrList* iTris
a list of iTris used for computing polyhedron intersections

oint active
indicates whether the object should be checked for collisions. This can be changed on-the-fly by user application code.

oconst char* name
the name of the object.

ovoid* userData
user-defined data for the object

ovirtual ~cdObject(void)

ovirtual void cleanup(void)
performs class-specific cleanup

ovoid deleteITris(void)
deletes any iTris assocated with the object

ovirtual void getPose(double r[3][3], double t[3])
gets the current pose of the object

ovirtual void getPose(matrix &r, triple &t)
gets the current pose of the object

oinline void addIgnoredObject(cdObject* o)
adds 'o' to the list of objects that will be ignored by this object when checking for collisions

ovoid processLinkGeometry(link* l, ptrList* whichParts, int createITris)
processes l's geometry. If whichParts is non-NULL, then any of l's parts that are not in whichParts will be skipped. createITris should be set to 1 if intersection calculations will be needed for the object

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