In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/componentDB.h:

class componentDB

a database of discrete components, lists of discrete components, and grouped lists of components for use by Darwin2k modules

Public Methods

[more] componentDB(void)
[more] ~componentDB(void)
[more]const component* getComponent(int i) const
returns the i'th component
[more]const componentContext* getContext(int i) const
returns the i'th component context
[more]const componentContext* getContextByName(const char* name) const
returns the component context with the specified name, or NULL if the specified context was not found
[more]componentList* getComponentListByName(const char* name) const
returns the component list of the specified name
[more]int numContexts(void) const
returns the number of component contexts
[more]int numComponents(void) const
returns the number of components


a database of discrete components, lists of discrete components, and grouped lists of components for use by Darwin2k modules
o componentDB(void)

o ~componentDB(void)

oconst component* getComponent(int i) const
returns the i'th component

oconst componentContext* getContext(int i) const
returns the i'th component context

oconst componentContext* getContextByName(const char* name) const
returns the component context with the specified name, or NULL if the specified context was not found

ocomponentList* getComponentListByName(const char* name) const
returns the component list of the specified name

oint numContexts(void) const
returns the number of component contexts

oint numComponents(void) const
returns the number of components

This class has no child classes.

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