In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoSolver.h:The dynoSolver performs numerical integration of differential equations.
Public Fields
double nextTimerUpdate
- the next time dynamicSystem::checkTimers will be called
double currentTime
- the current simulation time
int ignoreViolations
- indicates whether violations are currently being ignored
double maxDt
- the upper bound on time stepsizes used by the solver
double minDt
- the lower bound on time stepsizes used by the solver
double tol
- the acceptable level of error for adaptive stepsizing
double lastDt
- the size of the last time step
int numDynamicSteps
- number of times dynamicSystem::computeAccelerationFromTorque was called
int numTotalSteps
- total number of steps
Public Methods
virtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
- reads parameter from the parser's current context.
virtual int reset(void)
- resets the simulation time and related variables
virtual int order(void) const = 0
- returns the order of the integration method (ie.
virtual double adaptiveStep(double dt, int* error = 0)
- takes a step of size dt using adaptive stepsizing.
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
The dynoSolver performs numerical integration of differential equations.
Users will normally have little or no direct use for dynoSolvers, as
they are allocated automatically by dynamicSystems. Most interaction
with a dynoSolver is done through the parsing of a p-file section
when a dynamicSystem's readParams() method is called.
double nextTimerUpdate
- the next time dynamicSystem::checkTimers will be called
double currentTime
- the current simulation time
int ignoreViolations
- indicates whether violations are currently being ignored
double maxDt
- the upper bound on time stepsizes used by the solver
double minDt
- the lower bound on time stepsizes used by the solver
double tol
- the acceptable level of error for adaptive stepsizing
double lastDt
- the size of the last time step
int numDynamicSteps
- number of times dynamicSystem::computeAccelerationFromTorque was called
int numTotalSteps
- total number of steps
virtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
- reads parameter from the parser's current context. The parameters
read by the dynoSolver class are:
- double maxDt - the maximum time step to take
- double minDt - the minimum time step to take
- double tol - the error tolerance
- int maxSteps - the maximum number of steps to take before
returning control to the dynamicSystem
- int verboseLevel - the desired level of debugging output
virtual int reset(void)
- resets the simulation time and related variables
virtual int order(void) const = 0
- returns the order of the integration method (ie. 4 for runge-kutta 4)
virtual double adaptiveStep(double dt, int* error = 0)
- takes a step of size dt using adaptive stepsizing. If error is
non-NULL, its contents will be set to 1 if any error occurs.
- Direct child classes:
- rungeKutta4
- Friends:
- dynamicSystem
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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