In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/linkForce.h:class used for computing link deflections & stresses
Public Fields
triple p1
- one end of the link
triple p2
- the other end of the link
triple pc
- the center of mass
triple x
- link x axis
triple y
- link y axis
triple z
- link z axis
double m
- link mass
double l
- link length
double linv
- inverse of link length
triple f2
- force applied at pt2 by this link
triple n2
- moment applied at pt2 by this link
triple vDot
- acceleration of pt1
triple omega
- angular velocity of link
triple omegaDot
- angular acceleration of link
triple inertialSlime
- inertial stuff to distribute
triple xCrossF2
- cross produce of x and f2
Public Methods
linkForceContext(const triple &pt1, const triple &pt2, const triple &pc, const triple &F2, const triple &N2, const triple &vDot, const triple &omega, const triple &omegaDot, double m, const matrix &I)
- constructor.
double findMaxForce(double d1, double d2, const triple &dir, double &max)
- computes the maximum force along the link between d1 and d2 in the direction indicated by dir.
double findMaxShearForce(double d1, double d2, triple &max)
- computes the maximum shear force along the link between d1 and d2.
double findMaxAxialForce(double d1, double d2, double &max)
- computes the maximum axial force (compression or tension) between d1 and d2.
double findMaxMoment(double d1, double d2, const triple &dir, double &max)
- computes the maximum moment between d1 and d2 in the direction indicated by dir.
double findMaxBendingMoment(double d1, double d2, triple &max)
- computes the maximum bending moment between d1 and d2.
void findMaxBendingMoments(double d1, double d2, double &maxY, double &maxZ, double &dY, double &dZ)
- computes the maximum bending moments between d1 and d2 in the Y and Z directions.
double findMaxTwistingMoment(double d1, double d2, double &max)
- computes the maximum twisting moment between d1 and d2.
void computeForce(double d, triple* f, triple* df = NULL)
- computes the force and its derivative at position d along the link
void computeMoment(double d, triple* f, triple* df = NULL)
- computes the moment and its derivative at position d along the link
void computeDeflection(double d1, double d2, double Iy, double Iz, double J, double A, double E, double G, triple &dx, quaternion &dq)
- computes the linear and angular deflection of the link
class used for computing link deflections & stresses
triple p1
- one end of the link
triple p2
- the other end of the link
triple pc
- the center of mass
triple x
- link x axis
triple y
- link y axis
triple z
- link z axis
double m
- link mass
double l
- link length
double linv
- inverse of link length
triple f2
- force applied at pt2 by this link
triple n2
- moment applied at pt2 by this link
triple vDot
- acceleration of pt1
triple omega
- angular velocity of link
triple omegaDot
- angular acceleration of link
triple inertialSlime
- inertial stuff to distribute
triple xCrossF2
- cross produce of x and f2
linkForceContext(const triple &pt1, const triple &pt2, const triple &pc, const triple &F2, const triple &N2, const triple &vDot, const triple &omega, const triple &omegaDot, double m, const matrix &I)
- constructor. All quantities are in world coordinates, and F2 and N2
are the force & moment applied by the link to the next link (at pt2)
double findMaxForce(double d1, double d2, const triple &dir, double &max)
- computes the maximum force along the link between d1 and d2 in
the direction indicated by dir.
- Returns:
- Returns the value of d at which the max force was found, and
sets max to the magnitude of the force.
double findMaxShearForce(double d1, double d2, triple &max)
- computes the maximum shear force along the link between d1 and d2.
- Returns:
- Returns the value of d at which the maximum shear force
was found, and returns the force is max.
double findMaxAxialForce(double d1, double d2, double &max)
- computes the maximum axial force (compression or tension) between
d1 and d2. Returns the force's magnitude in max.
double findMaxMoment(double d1, double d2, const triple &dir, double &max)
- computes the maximum moment between d1 and d2 in the direction
indicated by dir. Returns the value of d at which the moment occurs,
and returns the magnitude in max.
double findMaxBendingMoment(double d1, double d2, triple &max)
- computes the maximum bending moment between d1 and d2.
Returns the value of d at which the moment occurs, and returns
the magnitude in max.
void findMaxBendingMoments(double d1, double d2, double &maxY, double &maxZ, double &dY, double &dZ)
- computes the maximum bending moments between d1 and d2 in the Y and Z
double findMaxTwistingMoment(double d1, double d2, double &max)
- computes the maximum twisting moment between d1 and d2.
Returns the value of d at which the moment occurs, and returns the
magnitude in max.
void computeForce(double d, triple* f, triple* df = NULL)
- computes the force and its derivative at position d along the link
void computeMoment(double d, triple* f, triple* df = NULL)
- computes the moment and its derivative at position d along the link
void computeDeflection(double d1, double d2, double Iy, double Iz, double J, double A, double E, double G, triple &dx, quaternion &dq)
- computes the linear and angular deflection of the link
- This class has no child classes.
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