In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dyno.h:

class polyhedronFace

polyhedronFace - polygon representation used by the mpoly class.

Public Fields

[more]triple n
the face's normal; computed by process
[more]double d
distance from the origin; computed by process
[more]mpoly* mp
the mpoly owning the face
[more]int npts
the number of vertices in the face
[more]int* indices
indices into mp->pts indicating which vertices are used by the face.
[more]triple* narr
an array of normals, one per vertex; can be NULL, in which case n is used
[more]double zinv
used by process
[more]unsigned char noDisplay
1 if the face should not be displayed
[more]float color[3]
RGB color of the face,
[more]void* appearance
other appearance data

Public Methods

[more]inline polyhedronFace(void)
[more]inline ~polyhedronFace(void)
[more]int process(mpoly* MP)
computes the plane equation (n, d, and zinv)
[more]inline void setColor(const float* Color)
copies the color information from Color to color


polyhedronFace - polygon representation used by the mpoly class. A polyhedronFace represents a single face of a polyhedron. It is an indexed representation: rather than storing the vertices themselves, the index of each vertex (in the mpoly's array of vertices) is stored. The indices should be ordered counter-clockwise when looking at the face from outside the mpoly. The vertices should be coplanar; don't count on anything if they're not.

For convenience, each face has several members associated with the face's appearance:

otriple n
the face's normal; computed by process

odouble d
distance from the origin; computed by process

ompoly* mp
the mpoly owning the face

oint npts
the number of vertices in the face

oint* indices
indices into mp->pts indicating which vertices are used by the face. vertices should be ordered counter-clockwise when viewed from the outside of the polyhedron.

otriple* narr
an array of normals, one per vertex; can be NULL, in which case n is used

odouble zinv
used by process

ounsigned char noDisplay
1 if the face should not be displayed

ofloat color[3]
RGB color of the face,

ovoid* appearance
other appearance data

oinline polyhedronFace(void)

oinline ~polyhedronFace(void)

oint process(mpoly* MP)
computes the plane equation (n, d, and zinv)

oinline void setColor(const float* Color)
copies the color information from Color to color

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