In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dyno.h: The mpoly class represenents a polyhedra and its material properties.
Public Fields
int npts
- the number of vertices
int nfaces
- the number of faces
triple* pts
- an array of vertices
polyhedronFace* faces
- an array of polyhedron faces
double density
- the density of the mpoly; used for inertial calculations
part* p
- the part to which the mpoly belongs
unsigned char processed
- a flag indicating whether process() has been called yet
Public Methods
inline mpoly(void)
- constructor
mpoly(const mpoly &other)
- copy constructor - makes a copy of all of other's arrays
- destructor
int process(void)
- computes normals and other information for each polyhedronFace
void transform(const tmatrix &m)
- transforms the mpoly's coordinates (both vertices and face normals)
void setAppearance(void* app)
- sets polyhedronFace::appearance for each face
void setColor(const float* Color)
- set polyedronFace::color for each face, copying Color's contents
The mpoly class represenents a polyhedra and its material properties.
mpolys are used for several purposes:
- for computing inertial properties of a link
- for checking collisions between objects
- for display
The mpoly is organized as an indexed face set: there is an array
of vertices and an array of polyhedronFaces. Each face contains
an array of indices indicating which vertices are used by the face.
The vertices for each face should be arranged in counter-clockwise
order when viewed from outside the mpoly.
- int npts
- the number of vertices
- int nfaces
- the number of faces
- triple* pts
- an array of vertices
- polyhedronFace* faces
- an array of polyhedron faces
- double density
- the density of the mpoly; used for inertial calculations
- part* p
- the part to which the mpoly belongs
- unsigned char processed
- a flag indicating whether process() has been called yet
- inline mpoly(void)
- constructor
- mpoly(const mpoly &other)
- copy constructor - makes a copy of all of other's arrays
- ~mpoly(void)
- destructor
- int process(void)
- computes normals and other information for each polyhedronFace
- void transform(const tmatrix &m)
- transforms the mpoly's coordinates (both vertices and face normals)
- void setAppearance(void* app)
- sets polyhedronFace::appearance for each face
- void setColor(const float* Color)
- set polyedronFace::color for each face, copying Color's contents
- This class has no child classes.
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