In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/ddcore/misc/ptrList.h:a generic hash table class
Public Fields
unsigned int nbins
- number of bins
unsigned int mask
- bitmask for nbins
ptrList** bins
- array of ptrLists for each bin
Public Methods
ptrHash(unsigned int desiredSize)
- constructor.
- destructor.
void computeHashSize(unsigned int desiredSize)
- computes the actual hash size based on the desired size
int isPresent(const void* ptr, unsigned long key)
- returns 1 if pointer is present, using the given key
inline ptrList* getBin(unsigned long key) const
- returns the bin for the given key
ptrList* addBin(unsigned long key, unsigned int size = 10)
- adds a bin for the given key
inline ptrHash* getHash(unsigned long key)
- returns a hash table for the given key.
ptrHash* addHash(unsigned long key, int size)
- adds a ptrHash with desired size of 'size' for the given key.
a generic hash table class
unsigned int nbins
- number of bins
unsigned int mask
- bitmask for nbins
ptrList** bins
- array of ptrLists for each bin
ptrHash(unsigned int desiredSize)
- constructor. Actual size may be greater than desiredSize.
- destructor. Deletes any non-null bins, but not their contents.
void computeHashSize(unsigned int desiredSize)
- computes the actual hash size based on the desired size
int isPresent(const void* ptr, unsigned long key)
- returns 1 if pointer is present, using the given key
inline ptrList* getBin(unsigned long key) const
- returns the bin for the given key
ptrList* addBin(unsigned long key, unsigned int size = 10)
- adds a bin for the given key
inline ptrHash* getHash(unsigned long key)
- returns a hash table for the given key. WARNING: this assumes you're
doing a multidimensional hash table, in which case each bin has a
single element in the list (a ptrHash).
ptrHash* addHash(unsigned long key, int size)
- adds a ptrHash with desired size of 'size' for the given key.
WARNING: this assumes you're doing a multidimensional hash table,
so each bin has a single element in the list, which is
a ptrHash.
- This class has no child classes.
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