In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/ddcore/misc/ptrList.h:generic extensible list class.
Public Fields
int n
- number of elements currently in the list
int max
- maximum number of entries in the list
void** list
- array of items
Public Methods
ptrList(int Max = 0)
- constructor
ptrList(const ptrList &other)
- copy contructor
- destructor.
ptrList& operator =(const ptrList &other)
- assignment operator
inline void* operator()(int i) const
- returns the i'th list entry.
inline void*& operator()(int i)
- returns a reference to the i'th list entry.
inline void* el(int i) const
- returns the i'th list entry.
inline void*& el(int i)
- returns a reference to the i'th list entry.
inline void clear(void)
- clears the list by setting the number of elements to zero.
int addPtr(void* p)
- adds a pointer to the end of the list, resizing if necessary
inline int addInt(int i)
- adds an int to the end of the list, resizing if necessary
int isPresent(const void* p) const
- returns 1 if the indicated pointer is present in the list
inline int isPresent(int i) const
- returns 1 if the indicated int is in the list
inline int getIndex(int i) const
- returns the index of the first occurrence of 'i' in the list, or -1 if not found
int getIndex(const void* p) const
- returns the index of the first occurrence of 'p' in the list, or -1 if not found
inline int getInt(int i) const
- typecasts the i'th list item to an int and returns it.
inline void* last(void)
- returns the last element in the list.
int removePtr(const void* p)
- If p is present in the list, the last entry in the list is moved into the first spot in the list where p occurs.
int removePtr(int index)
- Removes the specified entry from the list.
void merge(const ptrList* other)
- adds any entries in 'other' to this list if they were not already present.
void sort(int (*cmp)(const void* p1, const void* p2))
- sorts the entire list using qsort with the given comparison function
void sort(int startIdx, int n, int (*cmp)(const void* p1, const void* p2))
- sorts 'n' list entries beginning at 'startIdx' using qsort with the given comparison function
int removeNullPointers(void)
- removes any NULL entries from the list.
generic extensible list class. This list is resized automatically by
the addPtr() method, but *not* by accessing elements beyond the current
end of the list. Users are responsible for freeing any dynamically
allocated items that they add to the list.
- int n
- number of elements currently in the list
- int max
- maximum number of entries in the list
- void** list
- array of items
- ptrList(int Max = 0)
- constructor
- ptrList(const ptrList &other)
- copy contructor
- ~ptrList(void)
- destructor. Does not call delete for items in the list
- ptrList& operator =(const ptrList &other)
- assignment operator
- inline void* operator()(int i) const
- returns the i'th list entry. WARNING: does not check to make
sure that 'i' is in range
- inline void*& operator()(int i)
- returns a reference to the i'th list entry. WARNING: does not
check to make sure that 'i' is in range.
- inline void* el(int i) const
- returns the i'th list entry. WARNING: does not check to make
sure that 'i' is in range
- inline void*& el(int i)
- returns a reference to the i'th list entry. WARNING: does not
check to make sure that 'i' is in range.
- inline void clear(void)
- clears the list by setting the number of elements to zero. Does
not deallocate the actual array, though.
- int addPtr(void* p)
- adds a pointer to the end of the list, resizing if necessary
- inline int addInt(int i)
- adds an int to the end of the list, resizing if necessary
- int isPresent(const void* p) const
- returns 1 if the indicated pointer is present in the list
- inline int isPresent(int i) const
- returns 1 if the indicated int is in the list
- inline int getIndex(int i) const
- returns the index of the first occurrence of 'i' in the list,
or -1 if not found
- int getIndex(const void* p) const
- returns the index of the first occurrence of 'p' in the list,
or -1 if not found
- inline int getInt(int i) const
- typecasts the i'th list item to an int and returns it. WARNING:
does not check to make sure 'i' is in range.
- inline void* last(void)
- returns the last element in the list. WARNING: this doesn't check to
make sure the list isn't empty.
- int removePtr(const void* p)
- If p is present in the list, the last entry in the list is moved into
the first spot in the list where p occurs. Returns the index of p,
or -1 if p was not found in the list.
- int removePtr(int index)
- Removes the specified entry from the list. Returns the index,
or -1 if the index was out of range.
- void merge(const ptrList* other)
- adds any entries in 'other' to this list if they were not already
present. This uses the simplest possible algorith, so it can be
slow for very large lists.
- void sort(int (*cmp)(const void* p1, const void* p2))
- sorts the entire list using qsort with the given comparison function
- void sort(int startIdx, int n, int (*cmp)(const void* p1, const void* p2))
- sorts 'n' list entries beginning at 'startIdx' using qsort with the
given comparison function
- int removeNullPointers(void)
- removes any NULL entries from the list. Items from the end of the
list are moved to the locations of existing NULL pointers.
- This class has no child classes.
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