System-specific headers, and useful constants and macros
M_PI - Pi, for systems that for some reason don't have it defined
M_SQRT2 - Square root of 2, for systems that don't have it defined
RAD2DEG - Multiplier for converting radians to degrees
DEG2RAD - Multiplier for converting degrees to randians
sq - Macro for squaring a number
HUGE_VAL - A huge value, for systems that for some reason don't have it defined
copyString - Allocates and copies oldString and returns it
getSecs - returns the number of seconds of wall-clock time since the first call getSecs().
soVerboseLevels - The definitions for levels of program output.
This header includes system-specific headers, such as
the config.h file generated by autoconf and string.h or bstring.h
on systems that need them. Miscellaneous #defines and macros are
also included in this file.
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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