In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/d2kComponent.h:a record for storing task parameters.
Public Fields
const char* simCompName
- the name of the d2kComponent that uses the task parameter, or NULL if the task parameter is for the d2kSimulator.
const char* varName
- the name of the variable represented by the task parameter.
d2kComponent* c
- the d2kComponent that uses the task parameter, or NULL if the task parameter is for the d2kSimulator
param* p
- the param giving the task parameter's value
Public Methods
- constructor
- destructor
a record for storing task parameters. task parameters are associated
with each configuration, yet are used by d2kSimulators and d2kComponents.
This allows the synthesizer to vary properties that are not part of
a configuration, such as controller gains.
const char* simCompName
- the name of the d2kComponent that uses the task parameter, or NULL
if the task parameter is for the d2kSimulator.
const char* varName
- the name of the variable represented by the task parameter. The
d2kComponent or d2kSimulator using the task parameter is responsible
for determining the use of the task parameter on the basis of varName.
d2kComponent* c
- the d2kComponent that uses the task parameter, or NULL if the
task parameter is for the d2kSimulator
param* p
- the param giving the task parameter's value
- constructor
- destructor
- This class has no child classes.
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