In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoCollision.h:bookkeepping class used by dynoContactor
Public Fields
link* l
- the link (if any) for the object
cdPolyhedronObstacle* o
- the obstacle (if any) for the object
dynoContactor::contactType type
- the type of contact
userContactCB* contactCB
- user callback function for computing contact conditions
void* contactCBdata
- user data for contactCB
collisionObjectCB* objectCB
- user callback function for creating/updating contact object (eg.
void* objectCBdata
- user data for objectCB;
synObject* owner
- object that created the cdRecord
double muS
- static friction
double muD
- dynamic friction
double kp
- stiffness
double kv
- damping
Public Methods
cdRecord(link* L, dynoContactor::contactType Type, double MuS, double MuD, userContactCB* CB = NULL, void* UserData = NULL, collisionObjectCB* coCB = NULL, void* collisionCBdata = NULL)
- constructor
cdRecord(cdPolyhedronObstacle* O, double MuS, double MuD)
- constructor
bookkeepping class used by dynoContactor
link* l
- the link (if any) for the object
cdPolyhedronObstacle* o
- the obstacle (if any) for the object
dynoContactor::contactType type
- the type of contact
userContactCB* contactCB
- user callback function for computing contact conditions
void* contactCBdata
- user data for contactCB
collisionObjectCB* objectCB
- user callback function for creating/updating contact object
(eg. creating a dynoObject for the contact)
void* objectCBdata
- user data for objectCB;
synObject* owner
- object that created the cdRecord
double muS
- static friction
double muD
- dynamic friction
double kp
- stiffness
double kv
- damping
cdRecord(link* L, dynoContactor::contactType Type, double MuS, double MuD, userContactCB* CB = NULL, void* UserData = NULL, collisionObjectCB* coCB = NULL, void* collisionCBdata = NULL)
- constructor
cdRecord(cdPolyhedronObstacle* O, double MuS, double MuD)
- constructor
- This class has no child classes.
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