In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoCollision.h:a fixed polyhedral obstacle
Public Fields
mpoly* p
- the mpoly representing the object's geometry.
Public Methods
cdPolyhedronObstacle(const char* Name = NULL)
- constructor.
- destructor
void setObstacle(mpoly* mp, int createTris)
- Sets mp as the obstacle represented by the cdPolyhedronObstacle.
Public Fields
int index
int fixed
ptrList* ignoreList
ptrList* iTris
int active
const char* name
void* userData
Public Methods
virtual void cleanup(void)
void deleteITris(void)
virtual void getPose(double r[3][3], double t[3])
virtual void getPose(matrix &r, triple &t)
inline void addIgnoredObject(cdObject* o)
void processLinkGeometry(link* l, ptrList* whichParts, int createITris)
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
a fixed polyhedral obstacle
mpoly* p
- the mpoly representing the object's geometry. since p is not used
for inertial computations, it does not have to be a closed polyhedron;
it can be an arbitrary collection of polyhedronFaces.
cdPolyhedronObstacle(const char* Name = NULL)
- constructor. cdBody::name will be set to Name (not copied from it)
- destructor
void setObstacle(mpoly* mp, int createTris)
- Sets mp as the obstacle represented by the cdPolyhedronObstacle.
createTris should be non-zero if the polyhedrom intersections will
be needed for the object
- This class has no child classes.
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