In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoCollision.h:contact constraint/influence/patch container class
Public Fields
link* l
- the link acted on by the contact
link* l2
- the second link acted on by the contact, or NULL if a fixed object
triple xcontact
- the point of contact on the link, in world coordinates; or the point of contact on the second link, in the second link's coordinates
triple xlink
- the point of contact on the link, in link coordinates
triple xworld
- the point of contact on the other object or link, in world coordinates
triple n
- the contact normal, in world coordinates
triple xdisp
- the contact displacement
int sliding
- indicates whether the contact is sliding
double depth
- the depth of interpenetration of the contact
double maxDepth
- the maximum depth for the contact so far (over time)
cdRecord* cdr1
- the cdRecord for the link
cdRecord* cdr2
- the cdRecord for the other object
contactPatch* patch
- the contact patch for the contact
dynoObject* contactObj
- influence or constraint for contact
collisionObjectCB* objectCB
- user-specified callback for creating/modifying contactObj
void* objectCBdata
- user-specified data passed to objectCB
double lastTimeActive
- the last time the contact was active
dynoContact* next
- linked-list pointer
int active
- indicates whether the contact is currently active
Public Methods
inline dynoContact(void)
- constructor
- destructor
contact constraint/influence/patch container class
link* l
- the link acted on by the contact
link* l2
- the second link acted on by the contact, or NULL if a fixed object
triple xcontact
- the point of contact on the link, in world coordinates; or the
point of contact on the second link, in the second link's coordinates
triple xlink
- the point of contact on the link, in link coordinates
triple xworld
- the point of contact on the other object or link, in world coordinates
triple n
- the contact normal, in world coordinates
triple xdisp
- the contact displacement
int sliding
- indicates whether the contact is sliding
double depth
- the depth of interpenetration of the contact
double maxDepth
- the maximum depth for the contact so far (over time)
cdRecord* cdr1
- the cdRecord for the link
cdRecord* cdr2
- the cdRecord for the other object
contactPatch* patch
- the contact patch for the contact
dynoObject* contactObj
- influence or constraint for contact
collisionObjectCB* objectCB
- user-specified callback for creating/modifying contactObj
void* objectCBdata
- user-specified data passed to objectCB
double lastTimeActive
- the last time the contact was active
dynoContact* next
- linked-list pointer
int active
- indicates whether the contact is currently active
inline dynoContact(void)
- constructor
- destructor
- This class has no child classes.
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