In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/payload.h:

class payload

A class for single-rigid-body payloads.


Public Fields

[more]link* l
the link representing the payload
[more]mechanism* m
the mechanism representing the payload
[more]dynoContactor* dc
the dynoContactor
[more]ptrList* connectors
a list of connectors for the payload
[more]triple xrel
payload position relative to TCP
[more]quaternion qrel
payload orientation relative to TCP
[more]triple originPos
initial position of origin
[more]quaternion initialQ
initial orientation
[more]int addToDS
indicates whether the payload should be added to the dynamicSystem.

Public Methods

[more] payload(void)
[more] ~payload(void)
[more]virtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
reads payload variables from a p-file.
[more]virtual int setVariables(const ptrList* taskParams)
sets variables from any task parameters associated with the payload.
[more]virtual int readFromFile(void)
indicates whether the class should read payload geometry from a file.
[more]int initFromFile(const char* filename)
reads a payload's geometry from a file.
[more]void computeToolCoords(triple &xtool, quaternion &qtool)
given current pose and tool pose (xtool, qtool), compute pose relative to tool
[more]void updatePose(triple &xtool, quaternion &qtool)
update x and q given (xrel, qrel) and (xtool, qtool).
[more]int alignConnectorToPose(triple &xtool, quaternion &qtool, int cnId)
set (x, q) to align connector c (id = cnId) with (xtool, qtool)
[more]inline int numConnectors(void)
returns the number of connectors
[more]inline connector* getConnector(int n)
returns the i'th connector
[more]connector* getConnectorById(int id)
returns the connector with the specified id (if any match)

Inherited from d2kComponent:

Public Fields

od2kSimulator* sim
oconfiguration* cfg
oconst char* label
oint active

Public Methods

ovirtual int minCfgs(void) const
ovirtual int maxCfgs(void) const
ovirtual const char* getCfgName(int i)
ovirtual int simInit(d2kSimulator* Sim)
ovirtual int init(ptrList* Cfgs)
ovirtual int forceCfgResolution(void)
ovirtual int cleanup(void)
ovirtual int update(int &violated)
ovirtual const cfgLabelRecord* getLabelRec(int i) const

Inherited from synObject:

Public Fields

ostatic int staticClassID
oint objectID
oint verboseLevel

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* className(void) const
ovirtual synObject* copy(void) const
ovirtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
ostatic int setStaticClassID(void)
ovirtual int classID(void) const


A class for single-rigid-body payloads. The payload class represents payloads that can be attached to a robot's end effector. Each payload is a single rigid body (though possibly composed of multiple polyhedra) with one or more coordinate frames defining grasp or connector locations. The initFromFile() method can be used to read payload geometry (mpolys and connector frames), while the alignConnectorToPose() method sets the payloads current world-space position so that one of the payload's connectors is aligned with the provided tool control point. The payload can then be rigidly attached to the robot's end effector by using configuration::setPayload().
olink* l
the link representing the payload

omechanism* m
the mechanism representing the payload

odynoContactor* dc
the dynoContactor

optrList* connectors
a list of connectors for the payload

otriple xrel
payload position relative to TCP

oquaternion qrel
payload orientation relative to TCP

otriple originPos
initial position of origin

oquaternion initialQ
initial orientation

oint addToDS
indicates whether the payload should be added to the dynamicSystem. This isn't necessary unless accurate physical simulation of the payload is desired, and dynamic simulation is being used.

o payload(void)

o ~payload(void)

ovirtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
reads payload variables from a p-file. The variables read are:

ovirtual int setVariables(const ptrList* taskParams)
sets variables from any task parameters associated with the payload. The variables that are used by the payload class are:

ovirtual int readFromFile(void)
indicates whether the class should read payload geometry from a file. This returns 1 for the payload base class; derived classes can override this to return 0 if geometry should not be read from a file in the readParams() method.

oint initFromFile(const char* filename)
reads a payload's geometry from a file. The file is stored as text and is in the following format:

ovoid computeToolCoords(triple &xtool, quaternion &qtool)
given current pose and tool pose (xtool, qtool), compute pose relative to tool

ovoid updatePose(triple &xtool, quaternion &qtool)
update x and q given (xrel, qrel) and (xtool, qtool). also compute I from Ibody.

oint alignConnectorToPose(triple &xtool, quaternion &qtool, int cnId)
set (x, q) to align connector c (id = cnId) with (xtool, qtool)

oinline int numConnectors(void)
returns the number of connectors

oinline connector* getConnector(int n)
returns the i'th connector

oconnector* getConnectorById(int id)
returns the connector with the specified id (if any match)

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