Class definitions for motors, gearheads, and other components
rotaryActuator - Class for rotary electric motors.
linearActuator - component class for linear actuators
gearBox - a class containing properties of gearheads
fileGeometry - component class for link geometry read from a file
createMotorPoly - Creates an mpoly with the appropriate size and mass for the supplied motor.
createGearheadPoly - Creates an mpoly with the appropriate size and mass for the supplied gearhead.
createMotorAndGearheadPolys - Creates two mpolys, one for a motor and one for a gearhead, and returns pointers to them in the ptrList.
components.h contains class definitions for motors, gearheads,
materials, lead screws, and other discrete components used by Darwin2K
modules. The 'component' abstract base class is declared in
- See Also:
- componentDB.h
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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