In file components.h:Class for rotary electric motors.
Public Fields
double density
- density of the motor; computed from mass, length, & diameter
double length
- the length of the motor
double diameter
- the diameter of the motor
double stallTorque
- the torque at which the motor stalls
double contTorque
- the continuous torque rating of the motor
double maxVel
- the maximum velocity of the motor
double ks
- speed constant (rpm/V in the file format)
double kt
- torque constant (N/A in the file format)
double i0
- no-load current
double R
- motor resistance
double I
- rotor inertia
double g
- speed/torque gradient
Public Fields
int index
ptrList* dependencies
symbolTableEntry* dependencyRefs
Public Methods
component& operator=(const component &other)
virtual int readValues(symbolTableEntry* valueList)
int hasDependencies(void) const
int readValue(double &val, const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
int readValue(int &val, const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
int readValue(char val[COMPONENT_STR_LEN], const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
void checkAndFreeSymbols(symbolTableEntry* entry)
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
Class for rotary electric motors. The assumed geometric model
is a cylinder whose axis is aligned with the axis of rotation.
double density
- density of the motor; computed from mass, length, & diameter
double length
- the length of the motor
double diameter
- the diameter of the motor
double stallTorque
- the torque at which the motor stalls
double contTorque
- the continuous torque rating of the motor
double maxVel
- the maximum velocity of the motor
double ks
- speed constant (rpm/V in the file format)
double kt
- torque constant (N/A in the file format)
double i0
- no-load current
double R
- motor resistance
double I
- rotor inertia
double g
- speed/torque gradient
- This class has no child classes.
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