In file components.h:

class gearBox

a class containing properties of gearheads


Public Fields

[more]double density
density of the gearhead (computed from mass, length, and diameter)
[more]double length
length of the gearhead
[more]double diameter
diameter of the gearbox
[more]double maxTorque
maximum repeated torque
[more]double contTorque
maximum continuous torque
[more]double momTorque
maximum momentary torque
[more]double ratio
reduction ratio
[more]double efficiency
max efficiency
[more]double maxVel
maximum input (not output!) velocity
[more]double stiction
stiction force at output
[more]double dryFriction
dry friction at output
[more]double viscousFriction
viscous friction at output
[more]double inertia
inertia at input

Inherited from component:

Public Fields

oint index
optrList* dependencies
osymbolTableEntry* dependencyRefs

Public Methods

ocomponent& operator=(const component &other)
ovirtual int readValues(symbolTableEntry* valueList)
oint hasDependencies(void) const
oint readValue(double &val, const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
oint readValue(int &val, const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
oint readValue(char val[COMPONENT_STR_LEN], const char* name, symbolTableEntry* &list, int quiet = 0)
ovoid checkAndFreeSymbols(symbolTableEntry* entry)

Inherited from synObject:

Public Fields

ostatic int staticClassID
oint objectID
oint verboseLevel

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* className(void) const
ovirtual synObject* copy(void) const
ovirtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
ostatic int setStaticClassID(void)
ovirtual int classID(void) const


a class containing properties of gearheads
odouble density
density of the gearhead (computed from mass, length, and diameter)

odouble length
length of the gearhead

odouble diameter
diameter of the gearbox

odouble maxTorque
maximum repeated torque

odouble contTorque
maximum continuous torque

odouble momTorque
maximum momentary torque

odouble ratio
reduction ratio

odouble efficiency
max efficiency

odouble maxVel
maximum input (not output!) velocity

odouble stiction
stiction force at output

odouble dryFriction
dry friction at output

odouble viscousFriction
viscous friction at output

odouble inertia
inertia at input

This class has no child classes.

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