In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dyno.h: connection class - a connection between 2 connectors.
Public Fields
synObject* owner
- the creator of the connection
int id
- an id, for use by the owner
connector* c0
- the two connectors being connected
triple fc
- force exerted on part1 (c1) by part0 (c0); computed automatically
triple nc
- moment exerted on part1 (c1) by part0 (c0); computed automatically
Public Methods
connection(connector* c1, connector* c2, int id, int &error, synObject* owner = NULL)
- constructor; returns 1 in error if there was a problem.
virtual ~connection(void)
- destructor
inline virtual int isJoint(void)
- convenience function for determining class type
connection class - a connection between 2 connectors.
Connections can be fixed or moving, with moving connections belonging
to the derived class joint.
When two parts are connected by a fixed connection,
the parts get merged into the same link; when the parts are
connected by a joint, the parts belong to separate links, connected
by the joint. Note that joints can also be fixed, which later allows
the joint to be broken (links cannot be broken up, but two links
connected by a fixed joint can be).
The frames on the two connectors are initially aligned when the
mechanism is created.
NOTE: when creating connections, you should *always* use the new
operator and you don't need to keep track of or delete the
connection, as it will be recorded and deleted by one of its connectors.
synObject* owner
- the creator of the connection
int id
- an id, for use by the owner
connector* c0
- the two connectors being connected
triple fc
- force exerted on part1 (c1) by part0 (c0); computed automatically
triple nc
- moment exerted on part1 (c1) by part0 (c0); computed automatically
connection(connector* c1, connector* c2, int id, int &error, synObject* owner = NULL)
- constructor; returns 1 in error if there was a problem.
note that since the connectors keep track of the newly-created
connection, it is not necessary to independently create a
variable to keep track of the connection.
virtual ~connection(void)
- destructor
inline virtual int isJoint(void)
- convenience function for determining class type
- Direct child classes:
- joint
- Friends:
- link
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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