In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dyno.h:

class assembly

assemblies are groups of parts linked together by connections.

Public Fields

[more]part* root
the root part for the assembly
[more]ptrList* connectors
the free (unused) connectors in the assembly

Public Methods

[more] assembly(void)
[more] ~assembly(void)
[more]inline void addPart(part* p)
adds a part to the assembly
[more]inline int addConnector(connector* c)
adds a connector to the assembly
[more]inline part* getPart(int i)
gets the i'th part
[more]part* getPart(const char* name)
returns the first part with the indicated name
[more]inline connector* getConnector(int i)
returns the i'th free connector
[more]mechanism* connectParts(mechanism::baseMotionType baseType, int mechVerboseLevel = SO_WARNINGS)
merges the assembly's rigidly-connected parts into links and creates a mechanism from them.
[more]void merge(assembly* other)
merges other's parts and free connectors into this assembly.
[more]inline int numParts(void) const
returns the number of parts in the assembly


assemblies are groups of parts linked together by connections. assemblies are used for representing both small pieces (such as joints and links) and complete mechanisms. The assembly class is primarily used as a temporary class for creating mechanisms. When it is deleted, it does not delete any objects it references (such as parts, links, or joints)
opart* root
the root part for the assembly

optrList* connectors
the free (unused) connectors in the assembly

o assembly(void)

o ~assembly(void)
destructor. When an assembly belongs to a mechanism, it will be deleted by the mechanism when the mechanism is deleted, so that the creator of the mechanism does not have to keep track of it.

oinline void addPart(part* p)
adds a part to the assembly

oinline int addConnector(connector* c)
adds a connector to the assembly

oinline part* getPart(int i)
gets the i'th part

opart* getPart(const char* name)
returns the first part with the indicated name

oinline connector* getConnector(int i)
returns the i'th free connector

omechanism* connectParts(mechanism::baseMotionType baseType, int mechVerboseLevel = SO_WARNINGS)
merges the assembly's rigidly-connected parts into links and creates a mechanism from them. baseType indicates the type of motion for the mechanism's root, while mechVerboseLevel sets the mechanism's verboseLevel member

ovoid merge(assembly* other)
merges other's parts and free connectors into this assembly. other can then be safely deleted.

oinline int numParts(void) const
returns the number of parts in the assembly

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