In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dyno.h: connector - a coordinate frame located on a part.
Public Fields
int id
- an identifier for the connector
part* p
- the part to which the connector is attached
tmatrix frame
- the position and orientation of the connector relative to the part
Public Methods
inline connector(void)
- constructor
connector(part* P, int ID = 0)
- constructor.
inline void translate(double x, double y, double z)
- translates the frame by the specified vector
inline void rotate(tmatrix::axis a, double angle)
- rotates the frame about the indicated axis, by the given angle
inline void setFrame(tmatrix &m)
- sets the connector's frame to m
inline int used(void)
- indicates whether the connector is connected to another connector
void clearConnection(void)
- breaks a connection between connectors
inline int wasProcessed(void)
- access method; returns 1 if processed
inline connection* getConnection(void)
- returns the connection; may be null
inline connector* getOtherConnector(void)
- returns the connector on the other side of the connection, if any
inline part* getOtherPart(void)
- returns the part on the other side of the connection, if any
inline triple computePosition(void)
- returns the current location of the connector in world coordinates
inline triple computeAxis(int which)
- returns the direction of the indicated axis in world coords
inline triple computeLinkPosition(void)
- returns the current location of the connector in link coordinates
inline triple computeLinkAxis(int which)
- returns the direction of the indicated axis in link coords
connector - a coordinate frame located on a part.
connectors easily allow parts to be aligned and attached to each other
by connectors. each connector has an id, an associated part, and
a coordinate frame relative to the part's origin. when connecting
two parts via their respective connectors, one part (the child) is
oriented so that its connector's frame is aligned to the frame
of the parent's connector. a part may have any number of connectors.
int id
- an identifier for the connector
part* p
- the part to which the connector is attached
tmatrix frame
- the position and orientation of the connector relative to the part
inline connector(void)
- constructor
connector(part* P, int ID = 0)
- constructor. adds the connector to p's list of connectors
inline void translate(double x, double y, double z)
- translates the frame by the specified vector
inline void rotate(tmatrix::axis a, double angle)
- rotates the frame about the indicated axis, by the given angle
inline void setFrame(tmatrix &m)
- sets the connector's frame to m
inline int used(void)
- indicates whether the connector is connected to another connector
void clearConnection(void)
- breaks a connection between connectors
inline int wasProcessed(void)
- access method; returns 1 if processed
inline connection* getConnection(void)
- returns the connection; may be null
inline connector* getOtherConnector(void)
- returns the connector on the other side of the connection, if any
inline part* getOtherPart(void)
- returns the part on the other side of the connection, if any
inline triple computePosition(void)
- returns the current location of the connector in world coordinates
inline triple computeAxis(int which)
- returns the direction of the indicated axis in world coords
inline triple computeLinkPosition(void)
- returns the current location of the connector in link coordinates
inline triple computeLinkAxis(int which)
- returns the direction of the indicated axis in link coords
- This class has no child classes.
- Friends:
- link
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