In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:

class endPointRec

stores data on each of a configuration's end effectors

Public Fields

[more]int chainIndex
the index of the serial chain to which the end effector belongs
[more]int linkIndex
the index of the link containing the end effector
[more]serialChain* c
a pointer to the serial chain to which the end effector belongs
[more]link* l
the link containing the end effector
[more]toolModule* tool
the tool module that created the end effector
[more]triple tipForce
the world-space force currently being applied by the end effector
[more]triple tipTorque
the world-space moment currently being applied by the end effector
[more]synObject* userData
a pointer to user-specified data
[more]int rowOffset
the offset into the configuration's of Jacobian
[more]triple xworld
the current world-space location of the end effector's TCP
[more]quaternion qworld
the current world-space orientation of the end effector's TCP
[more]int usePayload
indicates whether a payload is currently attached to the TCP
[more]int useAppliedForce
indicates whether tipForce and tipTorque are being applied
[more]payload* pl
the payload attached to the TCP (when usePayload == 1)
[more]rigidClosure* plConstraint
a constraint to keep the payload attached to the TCP (not used during kinematic simulation)


stores data on each of a configuration's end effectors
oint chainIndex
the index of the serial chain to which the end effector belongs

oint linkIndex
the index of the link containing the end effector

oserialChain* c
a pointer to the serial chain to which the end effector belongs

olink* l
the link containing the end effector

otoolModule* tool
the tool module that created the end effector

otriple tipForce
the world-space force currently being applied by the end effector

otriple tipTorque
the world-space moment currently being applied by the end effector

osynObject* userData
a pointer to user-specified data

oint rowOffset
the offset into the configuration's of Jacobian

otriple xworld
the current world-space location of the end effector's TCP

oquaternion qworld
the current world-space orientation of the end effector's TCP

oint usePayload
indicates whether a payload is currently attached to the TCP

oint useAppliedForce
indicates whether tipForce and tipTorque are being applied

opayload* pl
the payload attached to the TCP (when usePayload == 1)

origidClosure* plConstraint
a constraint to keep the payload attached to the TCP (not used during kinematic simulation)

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