In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/ctrl/sriController.h:a robot controller that uses the singularity robust inverse (SRI) of the jacobian to follow cartesian-space trajectories.
Public Fields
Internal controller state
double mu
- ratio for detecting singularity This variable's value must often be tuned for a specific configuration and task.
double lambda0
- weight for identity matrix in SRI This variable's value must often be tuned for a specific configuration and task.
int singularCount
- records the number of times the jacobian was singular
double ignoreLimitThresh
- threshold for joint limit avoidance.
double gradientStepSize
- size of step to take in gradient direction.
int doGradientDescent
- determines whether joint limits are avoided using a gradient descent method
const char* jointControllerName
- the label of the jointController (if any) to be used to compute torque commands from velocity commands
double minRate
- the minimum rate considered to be progress towards a goal
int reachedFirst
- indicates whether the first points of all paths have been reached
int lastNumEndPts
- indicates whether the last points of all paths have been reached
sriControllerMode mode
- the current controller mode
jointController* jtCtrl
- the joint controller used to compute torque commands (if any)
Public Methods
- constructor
- destructor
virtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
- reads sriController-specific parameters from a p-file parser.
virtual int setVariables(const ptrList* taskParams)
- reads sriController-specific variables from task parameters.
virtual int simInit(d2kSimulator* sim)
- locates the jointController named by the variable jointControllerName, if any, and stores it in jtCtrl
void setMode(sriControllerMode m)
- sets the current mode
Public Members
enum sriControllerMode
- control modes for sriControllers.
Public Fields
vector accCmd
vector Tcmd
mechanism* mech
dynoTimer* timer
dofInfluence* inf
int alwaysUpdate
Public Methods
virtual double maxDt(void)
virtual int computeTorqueCommand(double currentTime, int &computedAcc)
virtual int computeAccelerationCommand(double currentTime)
virtual int madeProgress(double currentTime)
virtual int reset(void)
Public Members
inherited from d2kComponent
not currently used
Protected Fields
double _maxDt
Public Fields
d2kSimulator* sim
configuration* cfg
const char* label
int active
Public Methods
virtual int minCfgs(void) const
virtual int maxCfgs(void) const
virtual const char* getCfgName(int i)
virtual int init(ptrList* Cfgs)
virtual int forceCfgResolution(void)
virtual int cleanup(void)
virtual int update(int &violated)
virtual const cfgLabelRecord* getLabelRec(int i) const
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
a robot controller that uses the singularity robust inverse (SRI) of
the jacobian to follow cartesian-space trajectories. This controller
is based on the original SRI formulation (see work by Nakamura or
by Kelmar & Khosla), with joint limit avoidance (see Leigois), and
with several additions as described in the Darwin2K book (or thesis).
File variables
- double mu = 0.1;
- double lambda0 = 0.0003;
- double ignoreLimitThresh = 0.1;
- double gradientStepSize = 0.001;
- double doGradientDescent = 1;
Also see controller class for other
enum sriControllerMode
- control modes for sriControllers.
- FIND_BASE_POSE - only base DOFs are used, and the
base is allowed to move holonomically
- FIND_MECH_POSE - all DOFs are used, and the base
is allowed to move holonomically
- NORMAL - all DOFs are used, and the base's
non-holonomic constraints (if any) are observed
Internal controller state
vector velCmd
- the computed joint velocity command
vector limitGradient
- gradient of the configuration's joint limit function, used for
joint limit avoidance if a robot has kinematic redundancy
vector dx
- desired cartesian motion vector for all end effectors
vector cost
- cost vector for all DOFs
vector maxVel
- maximum velocity vector for all DOFs
matrix nullSpace
- nullspace of cfg's jacobian, used for joint limit avoidance
matrix nullSpaceInv
- pseudoinverse of nullspace
matrix P
- projection matrix; projects onto nullspace
matrix* dirP
- projection matrix--removes unwanted components from jacobian & commands
double lastOmega
- manipulability measure at previous timestep
double mu
- ratio for detecting singularity
This variable's value must often be tuned for a specific configuration
and task. When synthesizing configurations, it is a good idea to
include this as a task parameter.
double lambda0
- weight for identity matrix in SRI
This variable's value must often be tuned for a specific configuration
and task. When synthesizing configurations, it is a good idea to
include this as a task parameter.
int singularCount
- records the number of times the jacobian was singular
double ignoreLimitThresh
- threshold for joint limit avoidance. Joint limit gradients
with magnitudes less than ignoreLimitThresh are ignored.
This variable's value must often be tuned for a specific configuration
and task. When synthesizing configurations, it is a good idea to
include this as a task parameter.
double gradientStepSize
- size of step to take in gradient direction.
This variable's value must often be tuned for a specific configuration
and task. When synthesizing configurations, it is a good idea to
include this as a task parameter.
int doGradientDescent
- determines whether joint limits are avoided using a gradient descent
const char* jointControllerName
- the label of the jointController (if any) to be used to compute
torque commands from velocity commands
double minRate
- the minimum rate considered to be progress towards a goal
int reachedFirst
- indicates whether the first points of all paths have been reached
int lastNumEndPts
- indicates whether the last points of all paths have been reached
sriControllerMode mode
- the current controller mode
jointController* jtCtrl
- the joint controller used to compute torque commands (if any)
- constructor
- destructor
virtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
- reads sriController-specific parameters from a p-file parser.
The variables read from the p-file are:
- double mu;
- double lambda0;
- double ignoreLimitThresh;
- double gradientStepSize;
- double minRate;
- int doGradientDescent
See the documentation for each of these members for their meanings.
virtual int setVariables(const ptrList* taskParams)
- reads sriController-specific variables from task parameters.
The variables used are:
- double mu;
- double lambda0;
- double ignoreLimitThresh;
- double gradientStepSize;
- double minRate;
- int doGradientDescent
See the documentation for each of these members for their meanings.
virtual int simInit(d2kSimulator* sim)
- locates the jointController named by the variable jointControllerName,
if any, and stores it in jtCtrl
void setMode(sriControllerMode m)
- sets the current mode
- Direct child classes:
- ffController
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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