In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dyno.h: The ownerSegment keeps track of a contiguous block of parts that all have the same owner 'm'.
Public Fields
synObject* m
- the owner of the parts in the segment
ptrList connectors
- a list of connectors delineating the segment
Public Methods
ownerSegment(synObject* _m)
- constructor
inline connector* getConnector(int i)
- convenience method for getting connectors
The ownerSegment keeps track of a contiguous block of parts that
all have the same owner 'm'. The connectors delineating the block
are stored in the ptrList 'connectors'.
synObject* m
- the owner of the parts in the segment
ptrList connectors
- a list of connectors delineating the segment
ownerSegment(synObject* _m)
- constructor
inline connector* getConnector(int i)
- convenience method for getting connectors
- This class has no child classes.
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