In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/d2kcore/configuration.h:Derived module class representing a fixed or mobile robot base
Public Fields
matrix* J
- jacobian
double cost
- relative cost of movement, currently disabled
int numSupportPts
- number of points in support polygon.
bodyPoint* supportPts
- vertices of support polygon.
bodyPoint stablePt
- a point that should always be inside the base's support polygon
baseMotionType baseType
- the type of motion (none, planar, or spatial) performed by the base
Public Methods
baseModule(const baseModule &other)
- constructor
- destructor
new methods for baseModule
Jacobian-related routines
Public Members
typedef enum Indicates the type of motion for the base's root link.
Public Fields
ptrList joints
Public Methods
virtual double maxVel(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual double maxTorque(joint* jt, int dof, int isBraking) const
virtual double contTorque(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual double power(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual int isPassive(joint* jt, int dof) const
inline int numJoints(void) const
inline joint* getJoint(int i)
Inherited from module:
Public Fields
static int currentID
static const tmatrix connectionRotation
configuration* cfg
int ref
char* name
bool isPrototype
handedness whichSide
module* parent
assembly* as
ptrList* params
ptrList* attachments
cptrList* components
const componentContext* context
Public Methods
Virtual methods.
convenience functions
inline const ptrList* getDependencies(int whichParam)
Public Members
enum subType
enum handedness
Protected Methods
void assignConnectorIDs(void)
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
Derived module class representing a fixed or mobile robot base
typedef enum Indicates the type of motion for the base's root link.
- Indicates the type of motion for the base's root link. These
meanings are identical to those of the mechanism::baseMotionType enum.
- FIXED_BASE - the base is fixed and has no degrees of freedom
- PLANAR_BASE - the base can move freely in the plane and thus
has 3 DOFs
- FREE_BASE - the base can move freely in space, and thus has 6 DOFs
matrix* J
- jacobian
double cost
- relative cost of movement, currently disabled
int numSupportPts
- number of points in support polygon. Used for computing stability
bodyPoint* supportPts
- vertices of support polygon. Used for computing stability
bodyPoint stablePt
- a point that should always be inside the base's support polygon
baseMotionType baseType
- the type of motion (none, planar, or spatial) performed by the base
baseModule(const baseModule &other)
- constructor
- destructor
new methods for baseModule
virtual link* getDesiredRootLink(void)
- returns a pointer to the link that should be used as the mechaism root
virtual int isHolonomic(void) const
- returns 1 if the base's motion is holonomic, 0 otherwise. This is
only used by the motionPlanner class.
Class-specific motion planning methods.
- These methods are not currently used, as the motion planner
code has not been touched in (literally) years and is probably
not in working order
Jacobian-related routines
void allocateJacobian(void)
- allocates a jacobian matrix for the base
virtual int computeLimitGradient(vector &v, int offset = 0)
- computes a gradient vector used for joint-limit avoidance
virtual int computeJacobian(matrix &J, link* endLink, const triple &worldPt, int includeRotations = 1)
- computes a jacobian matrix for the base.
- Direct child classes:
- hexapodBase
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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