In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoInfluence.h:an influence that simulates frictionless contact forces as a damped spring
Public Fields
link* l
- the link acted on by the influence
link* l2
- the second link acted on by the influence (or null)
part* p
- the part on the link to which the force is applied
double kp
- stiffness
double kv
- damping
double muS
- static friction
double muD
- dynamic friction
double vtol
- velocity at which friction switches between static & dynamic
triple bodyPt
- the body-space location of the original point of contact of the link
triple worldPt
- the world location of the point of contact
triple n
- surface normal of the fixed object at the point of contact
Public Methods
compliantContactForce(link* L, link* L2, const triple &bodyPoint, const triple &WorldPt, const triple &Nworld, double Kp, double Kv, part* P = NULL)
- constructor
Public Methods
virtual int apply(void)
Public Fields
dynamicSystem* ds
int active
int stateSize
Public Methods
inline virtual int getState(double* state)
inline virtual int setState(const double* state)
inline virtual int reset(void)
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
an influence that simulates frictionless contact forces as a damped
link* l
- the link acted on by the influence
link* l2
- the second link acted on by the influence (or null)
part* p
- the part on the link to which the force is applied
double kp
- stiffness
double kv
- damping
double muS
- static friction
double muD
- dynamic friction
double vtol
- velocity at which friction switches between static & dynamic
triple bodyPt
- the body-space location of the original point of contact of the link
triple worldPt
- the world location of the point of contact
triple n
- surface normal of the fixed object at the point of contact
compliantContactForce(link* L, link* L2, const triple &bodyPoint, const triple &WorldPt, const triple &Nworld, double Kp, double Kv, part* P = NULL)
- constructor
- This class has no child classes.
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