An abstract base class for objects that apply forces/torques to mechanisms at each simulation time step, eg.
An abstract base class for objects that apply forces/torques to mechanisms at each simulation time step, eg. a spring or gravity field. Influences can apply their forces through link::applyForce(), by adding or subtracting to mech->T, or by directly modifying link::Fext and link::Next. dynoInfluence::update is a virtual function that should be supplied by derived classes, and is called by dynamicSystem::computeAccelerationFromTorque each time step, after the force accumulators (i.e. mech->T and link::Fext/Next) have been zeroed.A dynamicSystem must be supplied to the constructor, and the influence will be automatically deleted by the dynamicSystem when the dynamicSystem is deleted. To enforce this, the destructor is a protected method, so influences cannot be created except by the new operator.
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