Darwin2k modules that use components
tetherModule - a module representing a spoolable tether.
componentJoint - base class for joint modules using components.
elbowJoint2 - simple revolute elbow joint.
offsetElbow - an elbow joint with an offset mounting bracket.
rightAngleJoint - a joint module with one connector at a right-angle to the joint axis.
inlineRevolute2 - a joint module with two connectors aligned with the joint axis.
prismaticBeam2M - a two-segment telescoping joint module.
prismaticBeam3M - a three-section telescoping joint module.
prismaticTube - a three-section telescoping joint module.
scaraElbow - a SCARA joint module with three joints.
scaraElbow2 - Identical to scaraElbow, with the exception of 3 additional parameters indicating joint intervals.
driveMotor - same as inlineRevolute2, but without joint limits
genericJoint - a componentJoint that reads its geometry from a file.
Darwin2k modules that use components
- See Also:
- components.h
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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