In file componentJoints.h:base class for joint modules using components.
Public Fields
material mat
- material for the joint
rotaryActuator act
- the joint's motor
gearBox gbx
- the joint's gearhead
componentLimits lim
- joint position, velocity, and torque limits computed from the components
Public Fields
ptrList joints
Public Methods
virtual double maxVel(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual double maxTorque(joint* jt, int dof, int isBraking) const
virtual double contTorque(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual double power(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual int isPassive(joint* jt, int dof) const
inline int numJoints(void) const
inline joint* getJoint(int i)
Inherited from module:
Public Fields
static int currentID
static const tmatrix connectionRotation
configuration* cfg
int ref
char* name
bool isPrototype
handedness whichSide
module* parent
assembly* as
ptrList* params
ptrList* attachments
cptrList* components
const componentContext* context
Public Methods
Virtual methods.
convenience functions
inline const ptrList* getDependencies(int whichParam)
Public Members
enum subType
enum handedness
Protected Methods
void assignConnectorIDs(void)
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
base class for joint modules using components.
Derived classes should include the DECLARE_COMPONENT_MEMBERS macro,
declared in components.h.
material mat
- material for the joint
rotaryActuator act
- the joint's motor
gearBox gbx
- the joint's gearhead
componentLimits lim
- joint position, velocity, and torque limits computed from the components
- Direct child classes:
- tetherModule
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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