In file tether.h:a module representing a spoolable tether.
Public Fields
double r
- the tether radius.
double l0
- the initial length of the tether
double len
- the current length of the tether
double lDot
- the current velocity of the tether
svScalarResult* lDotDot
- an sval for the tether's acceleration
triple anchorPt
- the world-space anchor point for the tether
triple bodyPt
- the link-space location of the tether's exit location from the reel
triple partPt
- the part-space location of the tether's exit location from the reel
joint* reel
- the joint to which the tether is slaved
part* reelBase
- the part for the base of the reel
tetherConstraint* tc
- the tetherConstraint created by the module
Public Methods
virtual int activate(double l)
- activates the tether constraint with the specified initial length
virtual int deactivate(void)
- deactivates the tether constraint
virtual int setAnchor(const triple &pt, int setLength = 1)
- sets the anchor point (and tether length if setLength is 1)
triple getBodyPt(void)
- returns the world-space location of the tether's exit location from the reel
triple getTetherDirection(void)
- returns a unit vector pointing in the direction of the tether, away from the reel
Public Fields
material mat
rotaryActuator act
gearBox gbx
componentLimits lim
Public Fields
ptrList joints
Public Methods
virtual double maxVel(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual double maxTorque(joint* jt, int dof, int isBraking) const
virtual double contTorque(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual double power(joint* jt, int dof) const
virtual int isPassive(joint* jt, int dof) const
inline int numJoints(void) const
inline joint* getJoint(int i)
Inherited from module:
Public Fields
static int currentID
static const tmatrix connectionRotation
configuration* cfg
int ref
char* name
bool isPrototype
handedness whichSide
module* parent
assembly* as
ptrList* params
ptrList* attachments
cptrList* components
const componentContext* context
Public Methods
Virtual methods.
convenience functions
inline const ptrList* getDependencies(int whichParam)
Public Members
enum subType
enum handedness
Protected Methods
void assignConnectorIDs(void)
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
a module representing a spoolable tether. This module creates
a tetherConstraint whose acceleration is tied to the acceleration
of the module's single revolute DOF; the scale factor is determined
by the reel diameter. Controllers can thus control the tether
by controlling the joint's angle, velocity, and acceleration.
- 0 - spool motor
- 1 - spool gearhead
- 2 - material
- 3 - reel diameter
- 4 - reel width
- 5 - plate thickness
double r
- the tether radius. This is the maximum of parameter 3 and
the motor and gearhead diameters.
double l0
- the initial length of the tether
double len
- the current length of the tether
double lDot
- the current velocity of the tether
svScalarResult* lDotDot
- an sval for the tether's acceleration
triple anchorPt
- the world-space anchor point for the tether
triple bodyPt
- the link-space location of the tether's exit location from the reel
triple partPt
- the part-space location of the tether's exit location from the reel
joint* reel
- the joint to which the tether is slaved
part* reelBase
- the part for the base of the reel
tetherConstraint* tc
- the tetherConstraint created by the module
virtual int activate(double l)
- activates the tether constraint with the specified initial length
virtual int deactivate(void)
- deactivates the tether constraint
virtual int setAnchor(const triple &pt, int setLength = 1)
- sets the anchor point (and tether length if setLength is 1)
triple getBodyPt(void)
- returns the world-space location of the tether's exit location from the
triple getTetherDirection(void)
- returns a unit vector pointing in the direction of the tether, away
from the reel
- This class has no child classes.
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