In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/dyno/mechanism/dynoInfluence.h:

class dampedSpring

A spring and dash-pot influence.


Public Fields

[more]double kp
position gain
[more]double kv
velocity gain
[more]double restLength
resting length of spring
[more]link* l1
the first link acted on by the spring
[more]link* l2
the second link acted on by the spring (can be NULL)
[more]part* p1
the part on the first link to which the force is applied (optional)
[more]part* p2
the part on the second link to which the force is applied (optional)
[more]triple bodyPt1
the body point on l1 at which the spring force is applied
[more]triple lastForce
the last force applied by the spring; used when in a singular case

Public Methods

[more] dampedSpring(void)
[more] dampedSpring(link* L1, const triple &bodyPoint, const triple &worldPt, double restLength = -1, part* P = NULL)
constructor for a spring between a link and fixed world point
[more] dampedSpring(link* L1, const triple &bodyPoint1, link* L2, const triple &bodyPoint2, double restLength = -1, part* P1 = NULL, part* P2 = NULL)
constructor for a spring between points on two links
[more]int apply(void)
applies the spring force

Inherited from dynoInfluence:

Inherited from dynoObject:

Public Fields

odynamicSystem* ds
oint active
oint stateSize

Public Methods

oinline virtual int getState(double* state)
oinline virtual int setState(const double* state)
oinline virtual int reset(void)

Inherited from synObject:

Public Fields

ostatic int staticClassID
oint objectID
oint verboseLevel

Public Methods

ovirtual const char* className(void) const
ovirtual synObject* copy(void) const
ovirtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
ostatic int setStaticClassID(void)
ovirtual int classID(void) const


A spring and dash-pot influence. force = kp*(dist-restLength) - kv*vel
odouble kp
position gain

odouble kv
velocity gain

odouble restLength
resting length of spring

olink* l1
the first link acted on by the spring

olink* l2
the second link acted on by the spring (can be NULL)

opart* p1
the part on the first link to which the force is applied (optional)

opart* p2
the part on the second link to which the force is applied (optional)

otriple bodyPt1
the body point on l1 at which the spring force is applied

otriple lastForce
the last force applied by the spring; used when in a singular case

o dampedSpring(void)

o dampedSpring(link* L1, const triple &bodyPoint, const triple &worldPt, double restLength = -1, part* P = NULL)
constructor for a spring between a link and fixed world point

o dampedSpring(link* L1, const triple &bodyPoint1, link* L2, const triple &bodyPoint2, double restLength = -1, part* P1 = NULL, part* P2 = NULL)
constructor for a spring between points on two links

oint apply(void)
applies the spring force

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