Header file for influence and dynoLimiter classes.
dynoInfluence - An abstract base class for objects that apply forces/torques to mechanisms at each simulation time step, eg.
dofInfluence - Adds forces/torques to a mechanism's T vector The dofInfluence acts on a mechanism in joint space, rather than cartesian space.
uniformField - Applies a force proportional to mass to every link.
dampedSpring - A spring and dash-pot influence.
dofDampedSpring - An influence that acts on a DOF as a damped spring
compliantContactForce - an influence that simulates frictionless contact forces as a damped spring
dynoLimiter - Abstract base class for objects that limit the forces applied by influences.
dynoConstantLimiter - Limits joint forces/torques based on a vector of fixed limits.
This header contains definitions for the following classes:
- dynoInfluence
- dofInfluence
- uniformField
- dampedSpring
- dynoLimiter
- dynoConstantLimiter
Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes
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