In file /home/blah/darwin2k/src/d2k/ctrl/path.h: A base class for cartesian-space trajectories.
Public Fields
int pathNum
- the group of paths to which the path belongs.
int endPtNum
- the index of the end effector that should follow the path
int reachedStart
- indicates whether the robot has reached the first point on the the path yet
int reachedEnd
- indicates whether the robot has reached the last point on the the path yet
int usePayload
- indicates whether a payload should be moved along the path
payload* pl
- the payload (if any) being moved along the path
int useAppliedForce
- indicates whether the end effector should apply a force and and torque as it moves along the path
triple toolForce
- the force (if useAppliedForce is 1) to apply along the path
triple toolTorque
- the torque (if useAppliedForce is 1) to apply along the path
endPointRec* endPt
- a pointer to the end effector (if any) currently following the path
const char* payloadLabel
- the label for the payload (if any) to be moved along the path
int payloadConnectorID
- the ID of the connector on the payload that should be connected to the tool's TCP
int alignPayload
- indicates whether the payload's connector should be aligned to the tool's TCP before attaching it.
Public Methods
- destructor
virtual void getStartPoint(triple &t, quaternion &q) = 0
- returns the pose of the first point on the path
virtual vector computeVel(double dt, quaternion* outputFrame = NULL) = 0
- computes a velocity command for the end effector.
virtual void reset(void)
- resets the path state
virtual int atStart(void)
- returns 1 if the end effector has reached the first point on the path
virtual int done(void)
- returns 1 if the end effector has reached the last point on the path
virtual double completion(void)
- returns a number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of the the path that has been completed
virtual triple computeCrossTrackError(triple &pos) = 0
- returns the current cross-track error of the given position
virtual triple computeOrientationError(quaternion &q) = 0
- returns the current orientation error of the given orientation
Public Fields
d2kSimulator* sim
configuration* cfg
const char* label
int active
Public Methods
virtual int minCfgs(void) const
virtual int maxCfgs(void) const
virtual const char* getCfgName(int i)
virtual int readParams(paramParser* parser)
virtual int setVariables(const ptrList* taskParamRecs)
virtual int simInit(d2kSimulator* Sim)
virtual int init(ptrList* Cfgs)
virtual int forceCfgResolution(void)
virtual int cleanup(void)
virtual int update(int &violated)
virtual const cfgLabelRecord* getLabelRec(int i) const
Public Fields
static int staticClassID
int objectID
int verboseLevel
Public Methods
virtual const char* className(void) const
virtual synObject* copy(void) const
virtual int isOfType(int typeNum, int derivedOk)
static int setStaticClassID(void)
virtual int classID(void) const
A base class for cartesian-space trajectories.
File variables
- int endPtNum required
- int pathNum required
- int verboseLevel = 1;
- int usePayload = 0;
- int payloadConnectorID (required if usePayload = 1)
- int alignPayload (required if usePayload = 1)
- int payloadLabel (required if usePayload = 1)
- int payloadConnectorID (required if usePayload = 1)
- int useAppliedForce = 0;
- triple toolForce = 0; (only used if useAppliedForce = 1)
- triple toolTorque = 0; (only used if useAppliedForce = 1)
- int pathNum
- the group of paths to which the path belongs. This is used
by the pathEvaluator to group paths together if they should
be simultaneously followed by multiple end effectors
- int endPtNum
- the index of the end effector that should follow the path
- int reachedStart
- indicates whether the robot has reached the first point on the
the path yet
- int reachedEnd
- indicates whether the robot has reached the last point on the
the path yet
- int usePayload
- indicates whether a payload should be moved along the path
- payload* pl
- the payload (if any) being moved along the path
- int useAppliedForce
- indicates whether the end effector should apply a force and
and torque as it moves along the path
- triple toolForce
- the force (if useAppliedForce is 1) to apply along the path
- triple toolTorque
- the torque (if useAppliedForce is 1) to apply along the path
- endPointRec* endPt
- a pointer to the end effector (if any) currently following the path
- const char* payloadLabel
- the label for the payload (if any) to be moved along the path
- int payloadConnectorID
- the ID of the connector on the payload that should be connected
to the tool's TCP
- int alignPayload
- indicates whether the payload's connector should be aligned to the
tool's TCP before attaching it.
- ~genericPath(void)
- destructor
- virtual void getStartPoint(triple &t, quaternion &q) = 0
- returns the pose of the first point on the path
- virtual vector computeVel(double dt, quaternion* outputFrame = NULL) = 0
- computes a velocity command for the end effector. If outputFrame
is non-NULL, then the velocity will be transformed by it.
- virtual void reset(void)
- resets the path state
- virtual int atStart(void)
- returns 1 if the end effector has reached the first point on the path
- virtual int done(void)
- returns 1 if the end effector has reached the last point on the path
- virtual double completion(void)
- returns a number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of the
the path that has been completed
- virtual triple computeCrossTrackError(triple &pos) = 0
- returns the current cross-track error of the given position
- virtual triple computeOrientationError(quaternion &q) = 0
- returns the current orientation error of the given orientation
- Direct child classes:
- path
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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