cartesian-space velocities that are fixed in space.
cartesian-space velocities that are fixed in space. The path is represented as a series of waypoints, each of which consists of a world-space position and orientation. The path will generate cartesian-space velocity commands that sequentially move the end effector towards each waypoint. Once the effector is with a certain distance of a waypoint (determined by the tol member), the next waypoint is pursued. Waypoints can either be stopped at or moved through, depending on whether stopAtPoint[i] is 0 or 1.Cartesian-space PID control is used to compute angular and linear acceleration commands that follow a trapezoidal velocity profile. The PID gains are computed internally from maxVel, maxAcc, maxOmega, and maxOmegaDot; these can be read from a p-file, or can be specified by task parameters. When performing synthesis, it is best to include these four values as task parameters, since they have a significant impact on robot performance.
File variables
If readPath is 1, then pathFilename should specify a relative or absolute path (in the filesystem sense) to a path file. The path file contains np waypoint records, each in the following format:
- int np required
- double vel = 1;
- double maxAcc = 20;
- double omega = pi/2;
- double maxOmegaDot = pi;
- int useSameTol = 1;
- double tol = 0.002; (only read if useSameTol is 1)
- double vTol = 0.001; (only read if useSameTol is 1)
- double angleTol = pi/20; (only read if useSameTol is 1)
- int readPath = 1;
- char pathFilename[] (required read if readPath is 1)
- 0 or 1 indicating whether the point should be stopped at
- 3 floats for the waypoint location
- 4 floats for the waypoint orientation
- if useSameTol is 0, then 3 floats for tol, vTol, and angleTol, respectively.
Also see genericPath documentation for other variables.
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